Do you feel some itchy and painful lumps and protrusions from your behind? Are there any blood coming out of your anus every after emptying the bowel? If yes, you might be suffering of hemorrhoids.
Among all gastrointestinal disorders, hemorrhoids are probably one of the most embarrassing ones.
Good thing is that there are natural treatment options available such as sitz bath for hemorrhoids.
They are very effective in giving alleviation for sufferers.
There are several causes behind the development of hemorrhoids.
One of the most famous is straining.
This will usually trigger the hemorrhoid to be irritated that is why it dilates and enlarges.
Another is prolonged standing and sitting.
The valves of the rectal walls exert a lot of effort in bringing back the blood from the anus back to the heart that is why it decreases elasticity.
Hemorrhoids can occur to both men and women but statistics show they are more common to men.
Aging adults are also prone to such condition since their rectal walls start to decrease its elasticity.
Sitz bath for hemorrhoids is one reliable procedure to relieve pain and further swelling.
Doctors tend to recommend patients who had surgeries to try out sitz bath.
Hemorrhoids may also be relieved when the patients submerge their buttocks into the warm water.
Usually, it is prepared either in the tub or in a large can.
It is very convenient for patients.
It can also provide instant relief.
Other herbalists would recommend some herbal remedies to be incorporated in the tub therapy.
Herbal remedies like St.
John's Worth that is prepared in oils is most appropriate for this case.
Doing this will create a synergistic effect to increase the potential of alleviating the pain and decrease swelling.
There are also some herbal remedies used as creams after sitz bath.
Aloe gel applied topically to prevent burning sensation and pain, and witch hazel as suppositories to prevent bleeding.
An advantage of sitz bath is that it is very cost effective.
You need not to spend a lot of money for you to get the relief you wanted.
You don't even have to drive yourself downtown since everything you need is found in your own home.
What's more is that there is no such thing as "overdose or side effects" for sitz bath.
Drink plenty of fluids as this will help you keep the stool moist.
Dried-up waste materials are very difficult and painful to pass and can injure the surrounding tissues in the veins of the rectal wall.
You must remember that for the therapy to work effectively, you must avoid all things that could trigger further development of hemorrhoids.
You can also try other natural treatment options if you want.
If you have any other medical concerns, it is best that you visit a doctor for further management and evaluation.
Eat a nutritious meal especially foods rich in fiber to avoid another hemorrhoid development.
The treatment process may not be that easy, but results will be worth the effort.
Among all gastrointestinal disorders, hemorrhoids are probably one of the most embarrassing ones.
Good thing is that there are natural treatment options available such as sitz bath for hemorrhoids.
They are very effective in giving alleviation for sufferers.
There are several causes behind the development of hemorrhoids.
One of the most famous is straining.
This will usually trigger the hemorrhoid to be irritated that is why it dilates and enlarges.
Another is prolonged standing and sitting.
The valves of the rectal walls exert a lot of effort in bringing back the blood from the anus back to the heart that is why it decreases elasticity.
Hemorrhoids can occur to both men and women but statistics show they are more common to men.
Aging adults are also prone to such condition since their rectal walls start to decrease its elasticity.
Sitz bath for hemorrhoids is one reliable procedure to relieve pain and further swelling.
Doctors tend to recommend patients who had surgeries to try out sitz bath.
Hemorrhoids may also be relieved when the patients submerge their buttocks into the warm water.
Usually, it is prepared either in the tub or in a large can.
It is very convenient for patients.
It can also provide instant relief.
Other herbalists would recommend some herbal remedies to be incorporated in the tub therapy.
Herbal remedies like St.
John's Worth that is prepared in oils is most appropriate for this case.
Doing this will create a synergistic effect to increase the potential of alleviating the pain and decrease swelling.
There are also some herbal remedies used as creams after sitz bath.
Aloe gel applied topically to prevent burning sensation and pain, and witch hazel as suppositories to prevent bleeding.
An advantage of sitz bath is that it is very cost effective.
You need not to spend a lot of money for you to get the relief you wanted.
You don't even have to drive yourself downtown since everything you need is found in your own home.
What's more is that there is no such thing as "overdose or side effects" for sitz bath.
Drink plenty of fluids as this will help you keep the stool moist.
Dried-up waste materials are very difficult and painful to pass and can injure the surrounding tissues in the veins of the rectal wall.
You must remember that for the therapy to work effectively, you must avoid all things that could trigger further development of hemorrhoids.
You can also try other natural treatment options if you want.
If you have any other medical concerns, it is best that you visit a doctor for further management and evaluation.
Eat a nutritious meal especially foods rich in fiber to avoid another hemorrhoid development.
The treatment process may not be that easy, but results will be worth the effort.