Health & Medical Hemorrhoids

Symptoms of Hemorrhoids - Helping You Understand

Inflammation of nerves around the anal cavity due to excessive friction and pressure applied around the area can lead to hemorrhoids.
These nerves can then become bulbous and are known as external hemorrhoids and are quite painful and will need treatment Some common symptoms include itching, pressure due to the affected vein, burning sensation and pain while passing stool, bloody stool due to breakage of tissue around the anus, mucus generation and a bulge due to the hemorrhoid being forced out.
Bleeding and secretion of mucus is generally caused by protrusion which is caused, again, by pressure being applied on that area, due to several reasons.
Stool leakage can also result from this, from the anal cavity.
Constant moisture around the affected area, as well as bleeding and secretion of mucus, leads to itching and skin irritation disorders.
Bleeding due to hemorrhoids generally occur in the last stage.
There are, all in all, four stages to hemorrhoids.
These are as follows, and in the general order of progression and worsening of condition:The first stages involve bleeding hemorrhoids that do not protrude from the anal region.
The second stage consists of hemorrhoids that bleed as well protrude, although, with time, they recede.
The third stage is painful, because one needs to manually push the protrusion back with a finger instead.
The fourth stage is one in which the protrusion cannot recede even manually, and needs to be operated upon.
This might also involve veins clotting over with blood due to excessive bleeding.
This is known as thrombosed hemorrhoids.
Just knowing the symptoms is never enough.
Immediate action needs to be taken so that the problem does not worsen.
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