- Sunday school for preschoolers often includes singing and fun interaction.church. Entrance of a church image by L. Shat from Fotolia.com
Worship songs are a popular Christian faith phenomenon, especially in the U.S. These songs are usually set to catchy tunes, meant to stimulate the emotions of the congregation and to encourage their active participation in the services. There are worship songs for all ages, from the adult church congregation to preschoolers and kindergartners in Christian Sunday school. - One category of preschool worship sing-along songs involves children singing about their faith in Christianity. These songs often talk about being a Christian, being proud to be a Christian and about believing in God. Songs such as "I Am a C-H-R-I-S-T-I-A-N" and "I've Got the Joy" have simple melodies that can be grasped quickly by young children and sing about happiness in believing in God.
- Another category of worship songs meant for preschoolers are songs about popular stories found in the Bible. Songs about Noah's Ark, Jonah, Joseph and the works of Jesus are all very popular for young children because these stories often involve a lot of action and drama. These songs are meant to help reinforce basic Bible stories and ideas in preschoolers' heads and can be accompanied by picture books and drawings to make them even more exciting for children. One song that belongs in this category is "The Wise Man Built His House upon a Rock."
- Worship songs don't have to fit into a particularly religious category; many worship songs merely sing about being happy and joyful, with no specific mention to God or Christianity. However, when put into the context of a Sunday school environment, these songs can take on a quality that implies that the joy being sung about is a result of God's goodness. One popular worship song that fits into this category is "If You're Happy and You Know It," which makes no mention of God yet often is sung in preschool worship settings.
Professing Faith
Bible Stories
Nonspecific Worship Songs