Health & Medical Anxiety

Natural Remedies For Anxiety That Will Calm And Soothe You

Worrying is a part of life.
We worry over a lot of things like family, work, money and relationships.
Nevertheless, if our worrying becomes out of control and start to affect our health, social life, sleeping pattern and other everyday routines; it becomes a serious issue that must be tackled appropriately.
At this time, simple worrying has escalated to anxiety disorder.
If left untreated, it can lead to depression that can give you suicidal thoughts.
Below are some practical home and natural remedies for anxiety that will help you relax.
Almonds Get about then pieces of raw almonds and soak this in water overnight.
In the morning, when the skin has softened, peel the almonds and mix with one cup of warm milk in a blender.
Add some nutmeg and drink up before going to sleep.
Oil You probably have various oils at home such as sesame oil, corn oil, coconut oil or sunflower oil.
Warm about six ounces of any of these oils and then rub all over your body (from your scalp, down to your feet).
Massage your body every morning with the warm oil before taking a bath.
This will help soothe your anxiety so you can face the day without worries.
You may also massage yourself with oil before going to bed if your worries are keeping you awake.
Baking Soda And Ginger You may also relieve tension in your body by soaking in a tub of water added with 1/3 cup each of baking soda and ginger.
Onion Or Celery You may eat two cups of celery and/or onion (cooked or raw) while eating your usual meals.
Celery and onion has potassium and folic acid.
Nervousness may result if your body lacks in these nutrients.
Orange The smell of this citrus fruits is enough to lessen your nervousness.
Get a piece of orange and then inhale its aroma while peeling it.
You may also boil the orange peel in a pan with water to release more fragrance and oil.
The fruit can also be extracted in order to get fresh orange juice.
Add honey and nutmeg to your juice before drinking and your fast heart rate will slow down to normal.
Rosemary Back in the middle ages, rosemary has been used as effective ingredient for warding off evil spirits.
Drink tea added with this dried herb to help calm your nerves.
Mind And Body Exercise Deep breathing and meditation are examples of mind and body exercise that will reduce your worries.
There are other exercises that you could learn as well.
Find one that is most convenient for you to do and one that fits well in your schedule.
Aromatherapy Mentioned previously is the smell of orange that can help soothe and relax anxious nerves.
There are also other scents that can help achieve the same results.
In aromatherapy treatments, there are essential oils used especially for easing apprehension.
Anxiety-reducing essential oils are lavender, rose, jasmine and sandalwood.
These oils can be added in your bath or burned in an oil burner so you can ingest their relaxing odors.
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