- Women can have cellulite regardless of their weight; you can be underweight and still have "orange peel" skin. However, there is some evidence that losing excess weight results in smaller fat cells in the skin, leading to a reduction in the appearance of cellulite. A healthy approach involves a simple reduction in calories---aim for paring back by 3,500 calories a week in order to lose a pound a week---paired with regular exercise.
Beyond straightforward weight loss, some diet changes may help reduce cellulite. Drinking a great deal of water and avoiding excess salt will help prevent water retention. Foods that are high in antioxidants, such as berries, red wine, green tea and green leafy vegetables, will help fight free radicals and promote general health. - While exercise is a key component of most weight-loss plans, some studies have shown that specific types of exercise can reduce cellulite to some extent. Most trainers recommend a combination of cardiovascular and weight training, at least three times a week. Low-weight, repetitive exercises that target "problem areas" such as buttocks and thighs are the most effective for reducing cellulite. Try leg lifts, lunges and squats using five- to 10-pound weights for resistance.
- A plethora of creams on the market, from inexpensive drugstore lotions to tubes of specialty products costing $80 or more, claim to reduce cellulite. Many contain a combination of caffeine, antioxidants, acids and other ingredients purported to shrink or tighten the skin's tissue and create a smoother appearance. While there have been some studies that suggest some creams may offer positive results---if only a placebo effect---most doctors suggest you save your money.
- A number of spa treatments attack cellulite through mechanical means, with heat, or with a combination of the two, in an attempt to soften or break up hardened connective tissue. While there is no hard evidence that Dermologie, Synergie or similar systems produce noticeable, long-term results, that doesn't stop spas from offering them or women from trying them. A series of multiple treatments is usually required for any visible change.
- Cosmetic surgery for weight loss doesn't change the appearance of cellulite; in fact, liposuction can actually intensify the lumpiness. However, other therapies use lasers (VelaShape) or injections (Mesotherapy) to break down tissue and smooth the skin's surface. While these treatments are regulated and approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for some uses, there is still no proven magic cellulite "eraser" on the market.
Spa Treatments
Medical Treatments