- 1). Wash the spray bottles to eliminate any dirt or debris that might clog the spray nozzle.
- 2). Fill the bottles one-half to two-thirds full with cold water. Make the water as cold as possible so the snow won't melt when it is sprayed.
- 3). Put drops of food coloring in each spray bottle for whatever colors you like. Often on the food-coloring packaging there are directions on how many drops to add to create certain colors.
- 4). Tighten the nozzles tightly and shake the bottles to spread the food coloring evenly throughout the water.
- 5). Spray the snowman with the water bottles to create a face and accessories. Be creative! Experiment by twisting the spray nozzles to get a direct stream or a fine mist.
- 1). Fill plastic or sturdy disposable bowls half-full with cold water.
- 2). Put drops of food coloring in each bowl to create a variety of colors. Mix the paint into the water with a plastic fork or spoon that you can throw away.
- 3). Use paintbrushes to paint on the snowman. Try different tips and widths of brushes for different effects.
With Spray Bottles
With Paintbrushes