Health & Medical Heart Diseases

Rheumatic Heart Disease Alert

Definition of Rheumatic Heart Disease (RO) Rheumatic heart disease is a disease where it can damage the heart valves, such as leaks or strictures, particularly mitral valve (mitral stenosis) caused by rheumatic fever.
This disease is very dangerous because it caused the valves of the heart valve in the course of the disease process that begins with a throat injury.
Rheumatic fever is a systemic disease itself, which can cause acute, subacute, chronic or fulminant, leading to infection of group A beta-hemolytic streptococci in the upper respiratory tract.
Rheumatic fever is characterized by prolonged fever, palpitations, sometimes tired.
In general, attacks of this disease at the age of 5-15 years, the disease is rarely seen in children under the age of 4 years and over 50 years.
Symptoms of Rheumatic Heart Disease (RO) In general, shortness of breath experienced patients are caused by heart problems already in motion, pain in joints, reddish spots on the skin, the hand movements, irregular and uncontrollable.
In addition, a sign that accompanies neyi also on the abdomen, weight loss, rapid fatigue and fever.
Diagnosis of Rheumatic Heart Disease (RO) Besides the presence of signs and symptoms that appear directly on the physical, the doctor will usually perform some lab tests that indicate, for example, routine blood tests, Asto, CRP and throat culture.
The most accurate survey is echocardiography do to see the status of valves and heart muscle Treatment of Rheumatic Heart Disease (RO) If the diagnosis is established by rheumatic heart disease and persistent infection with streptococcus bacteria, but the main thing is that comes from the team doctor gave antibiotics and anti-inflammatory.
For example, the provision of oral antibiotics penicillin and benzathine penicillin G.
In patients who are allergic to other medicines, there is another alternative, erythromycin or cephalosporin group.
While anti-inflammatories are usually cortisone and aspirin.
Patients are encouraged to think rest is in a hospital bed, next to the medical team on how to deal with the likelihood of complications such as heart failure, bacterial endocarditis or thromboembolism Trombo.
Rheumatic heart patients (PJR) without symptoms require no treatment.
Patients with mild symptoms of heart failure, medical treatment to address his complaint.
Symptomatic patients who require invasive treatment or intervention surgical.
But surgical and intervention therapy is still limited and the cost is relatively expensive and require long-term follow-up.
Prevention of Rheumatic Heart Disease (RO) When we see above that Cor is lung might occur in the presence of a triggering event, rheumatic fever (CD), of course, the best prevention, as we do not get rheumatic fever (CD) (Streptococcusbeta hemolytic infections is).
Can see that there are several factors that support a person develops the germ, including environmental factors such as poor living conditions, crowded living conditions and poor access to medical care is a major determinant of the distribution of this disease.
Weather variations occur have a significant role in the pathogenesis of strep DR.
A person who is infected with streptococcus bacteria and rheumatic fever should be given with antibiotics.
This is to prevent possible attacks a second time or even lead to rheumatic heart disease.
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