Today I'd like to spend some time talking about the importance of trusting your gut.
In today's society with us being in the information age, deep in the information age, and with all of the new technology, smart phones and social media sites and people are just so connected and just so much information is flying around.
It can often be a bit like information overload.
On one hand I am very happy to see so many people inspired to go out and starting their own businesses and creating their own way in the world.
I like seeing that.
But the downside of that can be an overload of marketing and pitches where every other person wants to sell you this or refer you to that, become a fan of this or click a link on that, go to this tele-seminar or take that course.
It can be very overwhelming at times.
I think now more than ever it is really important as an entrepreneur to really be looking and being intuitive and really trusting your gut on which direction you should go in and that doesn't mean every time that you don't feel right about something that it's illegitimate.
One thing that I don't like that I see people do a lot of is they mistake fear or analysis paralysis so they want information, information, information but they never take action.
They mistake that for trusting their gut.
Those are two completely separate issues.
What I'm talking about is making sure that you're being aligned with those opportunities and resources and contacts that are really right for you.
As I've said before, when you have that gut feeling you know something is not right for you.
That does not mean that it's bad.
Sometimes that may be a perfectly good opportunity that you to refer someone else to who it may be in alignment with.
But maybe you aren't so you want to be keen to making sure that you aren't doing things that aren't in alignment with who you are as a person, your value systems and also, too, what you're trying to accomplish in your business.
There's a lot of things out there that are good but are not a good fit for you and your business.
So you really got to make sure that you are paying attention to that and I would say to even devise some filtering system for being able to cut down on a lot of noise that you can, which can be difficult because, like I said, there's so much overload out there and everyone is always wanting to get your attention or support on this, that or the other.
You've got to be able to filter that out and devise some sort of system that can sort through that so quickly and you can decide what you want to deal with and what you don't want to deal with.
So, if you would do those things that, I believe, would really help you and really anybody in being able to be more focused and to retain your focus on doing the business so you don't get off track to what you're trying to accomplish then at the same time.
If there's something or someone that comes along that can help you do better or get what you want faster, you are still open to be able to invite that person or that information in so that you can be helped or that your business can be improved by it.
In today's society with us being in the information age, deep in the information age, and with all of the new technology, smart phones and social media sites and people are just so connected and just so much information is flying around.
It can often be a bit like information overload.
On one hand I am very happy to see so many people inspired to go out and starting their own businesses and creating their own way in the world.
I like seeing that.
But the downside of that can be an overload of marketing and pitches where every other person wants to sell you this or refer you to that, become a fan of this or click a link on that, go to this tele-seminar or take that course.
It can be very overwhelming at times.
I think now more than ever it is really important as an entrepreneur to really be looking and being intuitive and really trusting your gut on which direction you should go in and that doesn't mean every time that you don't feel right about something that it's illegitimate.
One thing that I don't like that I see people do a lot of is they mistake fear or analysis paralysis so they want information, information, information but they never take action.
They mistake that for trusting their gut.
Those are two completely separate issues.
What I'm talking about is making sure that you're being aligned with those opportunities and resources and contacts that are really right for you.
As I've said before, when you have that gut feeling you know something is not right for you.
That does not mean that it's bad.
Sometimes that may be a perfectly good opportunity that you to refer someone else to who it may be in alignment with.
But maybe you aren't so you want to be keen to making sure that you aren't doing things that aren't in alignment with who you are as a person, your value systems and also, too, what you're trying to accomplish in your business.
There's a lot of things out there that are good but are not a good fit for you and your business.
So you really got to make sure that you are paying attention to that and I would say to even devise some filtering system for being able to cut down on a lot of noise that you can, which can be difficult because, like I said, there's so much overload out there and everyone is always wanting to get your attention or support on this, that or the other.
You've got to be able to filter that out and devise some sort of system that can sort through that so quickly and you can decide what you want to deal with and what you don't want to deal with.
So, if you would do those things that, I believe, would really help you and really anybody in being able to be more focused and to retain your focus on doing the business so you don't get off track to what you're trying to accomplish then at the same time.
If there's something or someone that comes along that can help you do better or get what you want faster, you are still open to be able to invite that person or that information in so that you can be helped or that your business can be improved by it.