Today I'm going to share a BIG secret with you...
shush shhhh...
You are far smarter than you can ever imagine! Yes that's my big secret for today.
OK, ok...
Yes I know it's no secret...
you already know how smart you are! Well I'm here to tell you ~ you are definitely a whole lot smarter than you think you are.
Truly! The fact is that you have more brains, more ability, and more knowledge and more intelligence than you could ever use, even if you were to work on developing yourself for the rest of your life.
You will wear out before your brain does.
There is no obstacle or challenge that you cannot overcome.
There is no problem that you cannot solve and there isn't a goal that you cannot achieve by applying your mind to your situation.
Your mind is like a muscle and just as with your physical muscles you have to exercise it.
The good news is that exercising your mind is a whole lot less strenuous than working out at the gym! Yes that's right, you have to train your brain.
Your brain is like a sponge and it soaks up and stores information.
It stores a whole lot more than your computer does.
(And you thought your computer was smart:) The good, good new is, the more you exercise your brain - ie the more you learn - the more you can learn.
In fact the more time you dedicate to learning, then the easier and faster it becomes to learn even more.
Just like playing sport, you train and you get fit.
You stop training and as the saying goes, "You use it or you lose it".
Whenever you come across a Leader, you can be guaranteed that they are also a Learner.
Leaders understand that in today's world continuous learning is crucial to success in life and business.
The 21st century has proved to be a steep learning curve for Baby Boomers in particular.
The steady learning pace of the sixties and seventies started to speed up in the eighties.
The information age and the age of technology started to spread like wildfire and suddenly it was a case of learn this new technology or get left behind.
Learning something new everyday is an absolute must if you want to stay ahead and be successful in whatever your chosen career is.
If you want to remain successfully employed and be ahead of the game then you have to be a student for your life and the times that we live in.
Make a decision today that you are not going to get left behind.
Happily and readily embrace change.
Take up the challenge, continue learning and be successful in your field.
Here are a couple of keys to lifelong learning.
Firstly, you need to get up and read.
Reading is to the mind as exercise is to the body.
If you want to remain ahead and be successful in your career then here's a few little facts that can give you the edge over your competition.
Choose something that is in your field and set 30 to 60 minutes aside each morning to read.
Education is knowledge! Knowledge is power! This will work out at about one book a week.
Do this continuously and it equates to about 500 books per year.
That's a lot of knowledge you are feeding your mind.
Like I said, little facts.
Did you know that the average person will only read one book per year? Think about this for a moment - if you are reading 500 books per year and your competitor is only reading one...
ok smarty pants...
yes you do now have more knowledge, you will be smarter, more competent and be up for promotions and higher paying jobs.
so you don't like reading and you haven't got the time! Boo Hoo! No don't cry you are not going to get left behind.
I have the answer for you too.
After all I know you don't really want to get left behind do you? What about the commute to work? Do you listen to the weather, the bad news, last nights sports results...
is this feeding your brain? Not really! Ok so how about listening to some audio.
Let's imagine you spend an average of 2 hours a day in your car that's approximately 18 x 40 hour weeks.
That is like sitting in your car for four and a half months of working time.
Now let's imagine your weekly wage is $1000 - well you do the math...
you are sitting in the traffic in your car and it is costing you equivalent $18000 at your pay rate.
This is also equivalent to a couple of semesters at university.
So now you know where I am going with this, don't you? Yes that's right - time to turn your car into a university on wheels, get some good educational audios.
Toss out the boom box and fill your head with knowledge to keep you ahead of your competition.
Knowledge is power.
So, time to power up the earplugs.
Many Self Made Millionaires have attributed their learning curve to audio learning.
Another tip to learning is to attend every course and seminar available to you in your chosen field.
In today's information age it is possible to shorten the learning curve by a fair number of years.
With a combination of the right educational books, cd's, audios and seminar trainings it is possible to short circuit the learning curve and reach the level of financial success you are trying to achieve in a much shorter time frame than was once possible.
You may only need one idea, from one, book, or one audio, or on seminar to put you on the road to your first million.
Make a decision today to become a lifelong learner.
You will be amazed at the effect it has on your career.
Secret of an Entrepreneur ~ Knowledge Is Power ~ Train Your Brain! Click Here: For More 'Entrepreneur Mindset Secrets'.
shush shhhh...
You are far smarter than you can ever imagine! Yes that's my big secret for today.
OK, ok...
Yes I know it's no secret...
you already know how smart you are! Well I'm here to tell you ~ you are definitely a whole lot smarter than you think you are.
Truly! The fact is that you have more brains, more ability, and more knowledge and more intelligence than you could ever use, even if you were to work on developing yourself for the rest of your life.
You will wear out before your brain does.
There is no obstacle or challenge that you cannot overcome.
There is no problem that you cannot solve and there isn't a goal that you cannot achieve by applying your mind to your situation.
Your mind is like a muscle and just as with your physical muscles you have to exercise it.
The good news is that exercising your mind is a whole lot less strenuous than working out at the gym! Yes that's right, you have to train your brain.
Your brain is like a sponge and it soaks up and stores information.
It stores a whole lot more than your computer does.
(And you thought your computer was smart:) The good, good new is, the more you exercise your brain - ie the more you learn - the more you can learn.
In fact the more time you dedicate to learning, then the easier and faster it becomes to learn even more.
Just like playing sport, you train and you get fit.
You stop training and as the saying goes, "You use it or you lose it".
Whenever you come across a Leader, you can be guaranteed that they are also a Learner.
Leaders understand that in today's world continuous learning is crucial to success in life and business.
The 21st century has proved to be a steep learning curve for Baby Boomers in particular.
The steady learning pace of the sixties and seventies started to speed up in the eighties.
The information age and the age of technology started to spread like wildfire and suddenly it was a case of learn this new technology or get left behind.
Learning something new everyday is an absolute must if you want to stay ahead and be successful in whatever your chosen career is.
If you want to remain successfully employed and be ahead of the game then you have to be a student for your life and the times that we live in.
Make a decision today that you are not going to get left behind.
Happily and readily embrace change.
Take up the challenge, continue learning and be successful in your field.
Here are a couple of keys to lifelong learning.
Firstly, you need to get up and read.
Reading is to the mind as exercise is to the body.
If you want to remain ahead and be successful in your career then here's a few little facts that can give you the edge over your competition.
Choose something that is in your field and set 30 to 60 minutes aside each morning to read.
Education is knowledge! Knowledge is power! This will work out at about one book a week.
Do this continuously and it equates to about 500 books per year.
That's a lot of knowledge you are feeding your mind.
Like I said, little facts.
Did you know that the average person will only read one book per year? Think about this for a moment - if you are reading 500 books per year and your competitor is only reading one...
ok smarty pants...
yes you do now have more knowledge, you will be smarter, more competent and be up for promotions and higher paying jobs.
so you don't like reading and you haven't got the time! Boo Hoo! No don't cry you are not going to get left behind.
I have the answer for you too.
After all I know you don't really want to get left behind do you? What about the commute to work? Do you listen to the weather, the bad news, last nights sports results...
is this feeding your brain? Not really! Ok so how about listening to some audio.
Let's imagine you spend an average of 2 hours a day in your car that's approximately 18 x 40 hour weeks.
That is like sitting in your car for four and a half months of working time.
Now let's imagine your weekly wage is $1000 - well you do the math...
you are sitting in the traffic in your car and it is costing you equivalent $18000 at your pay rate.
This is also equivalent to a couple of semesters at university.
So now you know where I am going with this, don't you? Yes that's right - time to turn your car into a university on wheels, get some good educational audios.
Toss out the boom box and fill your head with knowledge to keep you ahead of your competition.
Knowledge is power.
So, time to power up the earplugs.
Many Self Made Millionaires have attributed their learning curve to audio learning.
Another tip to learning is to attend every course and seminar available to you in your chosen field.
In today's information age it is possible to shorten the learning curve by a fair number of years.
With a combination of the right educational books, cd's, audios and seminar trainings it is possible to short circuit the learning curve and reach the level of financial success you are trying to achieve in a much shorter time frame than was once possible.
You may only need one idea, from one, book, or one audio, or on seminar to put you on the road to your first million.
Make a decision today to become a lifelong learner.
You will be amazed at the effect it has on your career.
Secret of an Entrepreneur ~ Knowledge Is Power ~ Train Your Brain! Click Here: For More 'Entrepreneur Mindset Secrets'.