Home & Garden Personal Safety & Security

Simple Steps to Get Rid of Termites Effectively

Termites in the natural environment are welcomed. For example, termites living in the forest are much needed since they help decomposing rotten material. However, at home, they are not very welcome at home. These insects have a bad reputation of destroying home furniture. The worst part about it is that a homeowner might not know that their furniture is in such a bad shape until it's too late. Termites are attracted to cellulose and much furniture contains this which is why they love it so much. They may be small but termites can actually chew wood effectively. This article will continue to share about what is a termite and show simple steps on how to get rid of termites.

Termites can cause a lot of damage to a home. They can weaken the floor boards, effectively chew through bookcases, and even ruin books. For the health and safety of all family members, it is best to take precaution and prevent termites from getting in. This can be done by the following:

1. Put furniture out in the sunlight. This is a natural method of getting rid of termites. Termites are fond of darkness. Exposing the furniture to the light will trigger the termites to leave. It is best to also turn the furniture around so that the whole of it is exposed to the sun during the day.

2. Take out any Unnecessary Water or Moisture. Termites also love damp spaces which is why you can observe furniture dust from under the kitchen cabinets in which moisture might get trapped in. You can also make sure that there aren't any holes around the pipes; seal them. It will also come in handy if you make sure that the gutters and vents around the house are always kept clean.

3. Use a trap made from a cardboard. This is one of the simplest traps that will work on termites. Wet the cardboard and leave it out to dry right next to where the termites are living. Cardboard too contains cellulose which the termites are attracted to. After leaving it for two days, discard the cardboard.

4. Use the freezer for furniture. This sounds a little bit awkward but it works. You can place pieces of furniture into the freezer to be left there for about 2 weeks. Before putting it in, wrap in a garbage bag. When it's time to remove it, keep the furniture inside the bag until it €thaws out€ and throw the garbage bag immediately.

5. Call pest control. Sometimes termite infestation can be so bad that no amount of DIY remedies will be able to help. Experts understand what is a termite and have necessary equipment to use and know how to get rid of termites.
Be on the lookout for the following signs that is an indicator that termites may have already started doing their dirty work around your premises:
€ Wooden furniture or floors that sounds hollow
€ Left behind wings from insects
€ Brown streaks or also called mud tubes on the walls of or floors of your home
€ Paint that is no longer flat or that has €bubbled€
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