How do I teach my dog to fetch? Well it's safe to say, no matter what kind of dog you have, whether he is a big dog or a small dog, he can learn how to fetch. So, how do I teach my dog to fetch? One good way to get started, would be by using two very similar or even identical toys. Make sure your dogs watching the toy as you hold it in your hand.
Throw the first toy, more then likely his natural instinct will kick in and he'll run after it. You can use your knowledge of teaching him the "come" command, once he has the toy you threw which makes things much less complicated in learning how do I teach my dog to fetch. Without knowing the come command, try this, throw the toy, once he picks up his toy, call him and show him that you have the another toy.
If he doesn't respond to come that's ok, he more then likely will when he see's that second toy. So if you find yourself wondering how do I teach my dog to fetch, then there your go. Having the knowledge to this question, how do I teach my dog to fetch, as you can see is quite simple really. Believe it or not, your dog loves to play fetch, I know my dog does, he even picked this up without having been taught. If he had a choice in the matter, he would play it day and night till my arm gave out.
I hope this helps you out, if you want to check it out, I've included a link that has a video with a free dog training lesson on it. Hope this helped you and I wish you all the very best and hope you found your answer to the age old question, How do I teach my dog to fetch?
Throw the first toy, more then likely his natural instinct will kick in and he'll run after it. You can use your knowledge of teaching him the "come" command, once he has the toy you threw which makes things much less complicated in learning how do I teach my dog to fetch. Without knowing the come command, try this, throw the toy, once he picks up his toy, call him and show him that you have the another toy.
If he doesn't respond to come that's ok, he more then likely will when he see's that second toy. So if you find yourself wondering how do I teach my dog to fetch, then there your go. Having the knowledge to this question, how do I teach my dog to fetch, as you can see is quite simple really. Believe it or not, your dog loves to play fetch, I know my dog does, he even picked this up without having been taught. If he had a choice in the matter, he would play it day and night till my arm gave out.
I hope this helps you out, if you want to check it out, I've included a link that has a video with a free dog training lesson on it. Hope this helped you and I wish you all the very best and hope you found your answer to the age old question, How do I teach my dog to fetch?