Video Transcript
Hey there. My name is Jay Jones celebrity peak performance coach and fitness minister, and today I want to answer the question, do negative pull-ups help. Negative pull-ups are a very early stage or actually not an early stage but a progressive stage on actually doing a full pull-up. Full pull-ups are very challenging but they're the quintessential essence of fitness strength. Because if you can pull your body weight up then you're able to do a whole lot more. So the idea is to build up to that and negative pull-ups help achieve that goal. So what is a negative pull-up. A negative pull-up simply means we're going to jump ourselves up on top of the bar and then constrict, east our way down as we come up. So this is what it looks like. We're going to put our hands on the bar, we're going to jump up so we're going to have to, pulling ourselves up, we jump and then we allow the body to gently come down. We control the down phase. Then touching again. So here we go. One more time. We jump, and then we control the down phase. Now what this does is, it helps build the upper back strength and the pull strength so you find yourself doing a full pull-up in no time. My name is Jay Jones, celebrity peak performance coach and fitness minister. And the answer to your question, do negative pull-ups help, absolutely yes.