Bedbug bites on vacation
It happens more often than ever: People complaining after a trip to New York about bedbug bites. The bedbug appears to be spreading itself all over the world. Almost all the big cities in Europe and the United States report presence of this nasty little creature. How was this sudden rise possible? And more important: How can you prevent returning from vacation with bedbug bites all over your face? The purpose of this article is to answer these questions!
Bedbugs bite only when you are fast asleep. The bedbug only attacks at night. Some websites therefore recommended letting the light on when you sleep. However this is a fable. The bedbug is a very smart creature and knows exactly when its night and when it is safe to attack its potential victims. If you let the light on while sleeping, the bedbug will still bite you.
One of the first things you must do before booking a hotel is checking the This is a sort of register full of reports about bedbug presence in hotels. Just search for the hotel you want to book and look if there are any reports about bedbug presence. It has to be noted though that all entries are from anonymous users, and not verified, so you can't be 100% sure that it is all legit information. You can also enter your own zip code. When there is a new report posted about your neighborhood you will receive
an SMS.
Always check the hotel room for bedbug symptoms. The most important one is blood stains on the sheets or pillow. Also look for bedbug bodies in the seams of the matrass. The blood stains are caused by crushed bedbug bodies. But don't limit your search for the bed alone. The bedbug can also hide in your sofa or behind posters.
However there are many things you can do to prevent bedbug bites even if the hotel seems safe. The first thing you must do is making sure that the bed never touches the wall. The bug often hides behind posters or paintings on the wall and can crawl into your bed this way. Also make sure that your blankets never touch the ground. The bedbug can crawl into your bed this way.
If you use all the tips provided in this article, you can be sure to return to home without bedbug bites. However always be cautious, the bedbug is a sneaky creature.
It happens more often than ever: People complaining after a trip to New York about bedbug bites. The bedbug appears to be spreading itself all over the world. Almost all the big cities in Europe and the United States report presence of this nasty little creature. How was this sudden rise possible? And more important: How can you prevent returning from vacation with bedbug bites all over your face? The purpose of this article is to answer these questions!
Bedbugs bite only when you are fast asleep. The bedbug only attacks at night. Some websites therefore recommended letting the light on when you sleep. However this is a fable. The bedbug is a very smart creature and knows exactly when its night and when it is safe to attack its potential victims. If you let the light on while sleeping, the bedbug will still bite you.
One of the first things you must do before booking a hotel is checking the This is a sort of register full of reports about bedbug presence in hotels. Just search for the hotel you want to book and look if there are any reports about bedbug presence. It has to be noted though that all entries are from anonymous users, and not verified, so you can't be 100% sure that it is all legit information. You can also enter your own zip code. When there is a new report posted about your neighborhood you will receive
an SMS.
Always check the hotel room for bedbug symptoms. The most important one is blood stains on the sheets or pillow. Also look for bedbug bodies in the seams of the matrass. The blood stains are caused by crushed bedbug bodies. But don't limit your search for the bed alone. The bedbug can also hide in your sofa or behind posters.
However there are many things you can do to prevent bedbug bites even if the hotel seems safe. The first thing you must do is making sure that the bed never touches the wall. The bug often hides behind posters or paintings on the wall and can crawl into your bed this way. Also make sure that your blankets never touch the ground. The bedbug can crawl into your bed this way.
If you use all the tips provided in this article, you can be sure to return to home without bedbug bites. However always be cautious, the bedbug is a sneaky creature.