This adorable miniature mouse is a fairly easy hand sewing project. Make your first mouse from felt, then experiment with a mischief of mice made from fine velvet, teddy bear fabric or ultrasuede. The mice can be given different personalities by adjusting the printable pattern slightly to give them shorter faces, round stuffed cheeks, ears in different positions, and chubbier, well stuffed bellies.
You can make them with or without a wire armature. The armature allows you to pose your mice in various positions. More easy to sew felt animals include the miniature hippopotamus and the miniature rabbit.
To Make a Miniature Felt Mouse You Will Need:
The miniature Christmas stocking the mouse is holding in the photo can be made from one of the three charts for Christmas stockings on the miniatures site.
You can make them with or without a wire armature. The armature allows you to pose your mice in various positions. More easy to sew felt animals include the miniature hippopotamus and the miniature rabbit.
To Make a Miniature Felt Mouse You Will Need:
- Suitable Fabric - I show the mouse made from a small piece of off white wool felt. You can also make them from short pile velvets, teddy bear fabrics and ultrasude, even leather. Felt is the best fabric to experiment with for your first mouse. In addition to the body fabric, you will need a small amount of pink or pale orange felt for the legs, feet and paws.
- Sewing Thread - I used standard sewing thread to match the fabric.
- Fine Needle
- Sharp Scissors
- Embroidery Thread a small amount of black thread is used to embroider the nose and mouth details.
- Tiny Beads - I used small black seed beeds for eyes.
- Coloring for the nose and insides of the ears. I used a fabric felt pen, but pastels and colored pencils or fabric paints will work as well.
- Wire I used standard florist wire, 24 gauge or anything that will make you a fairly stiff armature. You could also use fine pipe cleaners.
- Wire Cutters and Pliers
- Quilt Batting or cotton batting for stuffing the mouse to shape.
- Hemostats or Bent Nose Tweezers to help stuff the mouse.
- PVA (white) glue or fabric glue
- Printable Pattern for body pieces. The pattern is available as a pdf, which will need Acrobat reader to open.
The miniature Christmas stocking the mouse is holding in the photo can be made from one of the three charts for Christmas stockings on the miniatures site.