Business & Finance Blogging

Podcasting Ushers in a New Age For Website Content and Promotion

Audio and video podcasts designed for the web are some of the newest, most widely used communication tools on the Web today.
In the American workaday world, many people are engaged for hours in the day or stuck in transit, which leaves little time for reading.
People tend to seek information on the web that is portable, informative, and easy to digest.
Podcasts are Portable Podcasts offer the perfect solution.
They can easily be downloaded onto an ipod, onto itunes on a pc or Mac, and even onto some cell phones with enough memory to handle audio and video podcast files.
Audio and video podcasts can be carried on a trip or listened to while driving or at a person's convenience.
Podcasts Can be Syndicated Widely Podcasts are the perfect vehicle for website marketing, because website visitors can send links to interesting podcasts to friends and associates.
Podcasts can also be syndicated widely across the web, if they are set in a proper format for RSS feeds on the website.
Organic Search Marketing With Podcasts In one year organic search marketing campaigns, we always recommend to clients that they first build out their website content, and create a keyword strategy and foundation.
Then, six to nine months into the campaign, we recommend adding podcasting to the monthly website promotion techniques which are already in place.
Podcasts tend to hold the visitor on the website longer, while they stay and listen on the player.
Podcast Descriptions With Keywords It's important to add a keyword rich description to all audio and video podcasting materials, so these materials can be found on search.
Without this description, the podcast could very well get lost - and not claim the audience it rightly deserves.
Podcasts Contain Useful Information Remember to use podcasting as a syndication tool, and as a way of embedding real information on your website.
Fill podcast descriptions with keyphrases that help a website rank on search engines and assist your intended audience to find the information quickly.
Podcasting is not a new technology.
The ability to digitally record on PCs or Macs has been possible for some time.
Podcasting has only just recently (within the last 2 years) reached a peak of popularity on the Web, mainly because of the multimedia tools now available on Web 2.
And, all new computers are being outfitted with the necessary software to easily read the new media.
Professionally Edit Audio and Video Podcasts Now that podcasting is widely in use, contribute to the stock of audio and video podcasts by employing low cost and easy-to-use recording software such as Garage Band or Audacity or Final Cut.
Then, if you do not have the time or expertise to learn audio or video editing, send it off to a professional editor for finishing.
This will ensure that the final cut to be the highest quality possible.
Search marketing campaigns are greatly enhanced by the use of podcasts in the short and long term.
Podcasts that are not date sensitive retain a longer shelf life and have a huge impact and visibility over the long term if they are professionally conceived and produced.
Visit [http://www.
com] for more information on professional audio and video podcasting.
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