Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

How To Deal With Pregnancy Back Pain

Nobody Enjoys Back Pains...
Pregnancy back pain during some stage of pregnancy is practically unavoidable.
It is estimated that 2/3rds of pregnant women will feel back and pelvic pain by their 36th week.
As the baby grows and becomes heavier, additional pressure is placed on the back to support the mothers growing abdomen.
Another contributor to back pain is the position of the growing baby in the womb.
There are, however, many different factors that may bring on back pain in expecting mothers.
Stress and over exertion can also be major factors, besides being unhealthy for the baby.
While most back pain resolves itself a few months after giving birth, some back pain can be prevented altogether.
Now wouldn't that be even better? Take it Easy Make time for frequent breaks and get plenty of rest.
This doesn't mean to become a couch potato, but you should take more time to rest and relax.
Put your feet up, grab a cup of your favorite decaffeinated soothing drink and take it easy now and then.
Try to lie down once in a while and, if at all possible, try to minimize activities that put stress on your back.
At work, dont sit for extended periods of time and when you are sitting, it is suggested that you place a pillow behind the small of your back.
Get a Pregnancy Girdle The term, "pregnancy girdle", has an ominous sound, but it can be a pregnant mothers best friend.
It is designed to be worn under your clothing, much like a traditional girdle.
But it is designed to better support and lift your stomach so that pressure is taken off of the back.
You can pick up a pregnancy girdle at many maternity shops.
You can always give it away to someone else for their baby shower after your baby is born.
Check your Stress Stress alone can cause lower back pain.
Try to relieve your stress, even if it is for just a few moments daily.
Set aside 'mommy time' every day so that you can decompress, refresh and relax.
Meditate, take a warm bath, listen to soothing music, anything that helps you relax.
You will be surprised at how helpful just 10 minutes or so a day of this activity can be in relieving your stress.
Get Enough Exercise Exercise can actually help with back pain and can help to strengthen the muscles in the back.
Yoga is a great exercise for this purpose.
Walking is great, but you need some strengthening and stretching exercises as well, that you do not get with just walking.
Ask around to see if there are any pregnancy exercise classes and pregnancy yoga.
If classes aren't your thing, you can find several pregnancy yoga and pregnancy exercise DVDs, sometimes even for free at your public library.
Just make sure that you check with your doctor before you start any exercise program.
Once he gives you the green light, though, go for it.
Eat Healthy You would think that this would be common sense.
Eating right can help in many ways.
First, eating healthy will help keep you from gaining additional weight.
The less extra weight you are carrying, the less pressure you have on your back.
Second, healthy eating helps your body ward off illness and actually helps it deal with pain more efficiently.
Finally, drinking plenty of water will keep your kidneys working properly, which can create another type of lower back pain.
Healthy eating is better for you and better for your baby.
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