Health & Medical: Statement on COCs and the Risk of Thromboembolism

Statement on COCs and the Risk of Thromboembolism

Read this new position statement to get the latest information on the possible cardiovascular risk factors associated with the use of 3rd or 4th generation hormonal contraceptives.

Health & Medical: Types of Birth Marks

Types of Birth Marks

Birthmarks are markings on the skin that are typically present at birth. Birthmarks are typically classified as vascular, which is caused by irregular blood vessels, or pigmented, which is caused by an overgrowth of skin cells. Many birthmarks fade or disappear entirely over time.

Health & Medical: Watermelon: A Natural Viagra?

Watermelon: A Natural Viagra?

Watermelon may be a natural Viagra, says a researcher. That's because the popular summer fruit is richer than experts believed in an amino acid called citrulline.

Health & Medical: Get Rid of Genital Herpes Fast

Get Rid of Genital Herpes Fast

Genital herpes is a very common ailment which like most STDs has a nasty stigma attached. It's not just the nasty symptoms that can cause problems for sufferers, its also the emotions that go along with them, such as anxiety, depression, guilt and loneliness. Sufferers should know the facts abo

Health & Medical: Prognosis for Borderline Ovarian Cancer

Prognosis for Borderline Ovarian Cancer

Ovarian cancer occurs in stages. Borderline ovarian cancer is stage I, which means it has been caught very early. The cancer has not spread to other parts of the body, and is contained in the ovaries. The prognosis for borderline ovarian cancer is quite good.

Health & Medical: Divorce


Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of divorce, including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more.

Health & Medical: Marriage


Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of marriage including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more.

Health & Medical: Dangerous Intestinal Candida Symptoms You Have to Keep an Eye On

Dangerous Intestinal Candida Symptoms You Have to Keep an Eye On

Intestinal Candida symptoms may be very hard to diagnose. The chances for a successful treatment depend on the severity of each sign present. Although it may sound difficult, prompt action must be done to prevent more serious complications.

Health & Medical: Tales From the STD Hotline

Tales From the STD Hotline

Teens - there's just no safe way to experience this hot new blood-sucking trend. Play on Team Edward or Team Jacob, but when it comes to your health, play safe.

Health & Medical: STDs in Popular Culture

STDs in Popular Culture

As sexually transmitted disease numbers reach epidemic levels, references to venereal diseases are popping up throughout popular culture. Movie, music and even video games - STDs can be found everywhere....

Health & Medical: Divorce


Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of divorce, including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more.

Health & Medical: Sexual Problems in Men

Sexual Problems in Men

A look at sexual problems in men, including erectile dysfunction and ejaculation disorders.