- These common birthmarks are light, coffee-colored marks that can occur anywhere on the body. Several large cafe-au-lait spots might be a symptom of neurofibromatosis, a hereditary disorder causing abnormal nerve tissue growth.
- These birthmarks consist of large, dark moles that are present at birth. Most congenital nevus birthmarks cover large areas on the trunk of the body or scalp.
- A slate gray nevus, once called a Mongolian blue spot, is a blueish-gray birthmark that typically forms on the buttocks or lower back. These birthmarks are more common in darker-skinned children, such as those of Asian, African or Hispanic descent.
- Port-wine stains are discolorations caused by collections of blood vessels deep within the skin. These birthmarks typically show up on the neck or face.
- Salmon patches, also called angel kisses and stork bites, are faint, reddish-pink patches that often appear on the back of the neck, between the eyes or on the eyelids. These birthmarks typically fade by the age of two.
- Hemangioma birthmarks primarily form on the neck or head. This type of birthmark can cause health problems if it forms in a spot that interferes with breathing or eating.
Cafe-Au-Lait Spots
Congenital Nevus
Slate Gray Nevus
Port-Wine Stains
Salmon Patches