- According to the Palo Alto Medical Foundation, a primary tumor is in the T stage, meaning it is confined to the prostate gland itself or to the immediate surrounding areas. It may be affecting adjacent areas such as the bladder neck, pelvic wall, rectum or sphincter. A number is used along with the T designation to indicate the tumor's location and extent.
- A prostate tumor is considered to be in the N stage when it moves into the pelvic lymph nodes. According to the Palo Alto Medical Foundation, it has entered this stage when it invades one or more node. A number is used along with the N designation to indicate this spread.
- An M stage prostate tumor has moved into a person's lymph nodes beyond the pelvic region and/or into distant organs. Tumors in this stage may also be affecting the bones. A number is used along with the M designation to indicate this spread.
T Stage Primary Tumor
N Stage Regional Lymph Nodes
M Stage Distant Metastasis