my condom broke last weekend.
I'd probably know if I had something by now, right?" If only it were that easy.
"My partner said they tested negative for everything, so that means I should be good to go.
" Sorry.
Not true.
"If he wasn't experiencing any symptoms, I can't get anything passed to me.
" Nope, that's not right.
"I don't have any of the symptoms I've researched online, so I should be clean, right?" Sorry, again.
Welcome to the most common questions our counselors hear every day.
If you're wondering the same things, you're not alone.
The thing about STDs - and why they're so common - is that people don't think they need to get tested.
Your date looks "clean" and you know you don't show any symptoms of an STD, so there's no harm with a little unprotected sex, right? No.
You have no idea if you or your date has an STD unless you've been tested.
We get asked these questions so often, we felt the need to pass this bit of information to you.
One time! It doesn't matter if it was for a minute, or for an hour.
(and no, oral is not safe -we'll dive into that one another time.
) We know this isn't an easy thing to do, so we make getting tested easy.
There's no undressing, swabbing, or answering any embarrassing questions.
Get your results (and peace of mind) in 2-3 business days, and enjoy your sex life without the anxiety.
my condom broke last weekend.
I'd probably know if I had something by now, right?" If only it were that easy.
"My partner said they tested negative for everything, so that means I should be good to go.
" Sorry.
Not true.
"If he wasn't experiencing any symptoms, I can't get anything passed to me.
" Nope, that's not right.
"I don't have any of the symptoms I've researched online, so I should be clean, right?" Sorry, again.
Welcome to the most common questions our counselors hear every day.
If you're wondering the same things, you're not alone.
The thing about STDs - and why they're so common - is that people don't think they need to get tested.
Your date looks "clean" and you know you don't show any symptoms of an STD, so there's no harm with a little unprotected sex, right? No.
You have no idea if you or your date has an STD unless you've been tested.
We get asked these questions so often, we felt the need to pass this bit of information to you.
- There are 19 million new cases of STDs in the U.
each year. - The two most common STDs (Chlamydia and Gonorrhea) show no symptoms for 50-75% of the people who are infected.
This means you may be infected, and in turn, unknowingly pass the STD to your partner. - And Herpes? It's estimated that only about 20% of those who have herpes are even aware they have it.
One time! It doesn't matter if it was for a minute, or for an hour.
(and no, oral is not safe -we'll dive into that one another time.
) We know this isn't an easy thing to do, so we make getting tested easy.
There's no undressing, swabbing, or answering any embarrassing questions.
Get your results (and peace of mind) in 2-3 business days, and enjoy your sex life without the anxiety.