Insurance: How to Get Insurance to Pay for Lumineers

How to Get Insurance to Pay for Lumineers

Lumineers are basically porcelain veneers that are placed over your teeth. They can be used to reshape your smile, correct the appearance of crooked teeth or correct permanently stained or discolored teeth. Unlike traditional veneers, Lumineers don't require your teeth to be shaved down, and there's

Insurance: How to Apply for New Jersey Blue Cross Blue Shield Provider Contracts

How to Apply for New Jersey Blue Cross Blue Shield Provider Contracts

Horizon is the only independent of licensee of Blue Cross Blue Shield in New Jersey, administering HMO plans, PPO plans, dental plans and more. Horizon is New Jersey's largest health insurer with over three million members throughout the state. Contracting with Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey g

Insurance: The Cobra Act of 1986

The Cobra Act of 1986

In 1986, Congress enacted the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act, more commonly known as COBRA. The act gave workers the right to continue their health benefits if they lose their jobs. The United States Department of Health and Human Services reports that two-thirds of the adults in the

Insurance: Medicaid Eligibility, Criteria & Benefits

Medicaid Eligibility, Criteria & Benefits

Medicaid is a state-run program available in all 50 states that provides health insurance to some low-income people. Both state and federal tax dollars fund Medicaid. The eligibility criteria vary slightly from state to state and the coverage available varies from state to state. Not all people with

Insurance: Health Issues in America

Health Issues in America

There seems to be a practically limitless stream of illnesses and conditions about which one should worry. Some of them are preventable while others may be genetic or otherwise unavoidable. While there are some conditions that are rare and do not concern the average person, there are others that are

Insurance: Health Care Management Strategies

Health Care Management Strategies

Health care is everywhere in the news these days. Health care entities have to come up with creative ways to survive, while making sure they pay attention to the things that define who they are. With regulations and expenses, health care practitioners must address specific management strategies.

Insurance: What Is a Coinsurance Payment?

What Is a Coinsurance Payment?

Depending on your choice of health insurance, you may have to pay a certain amount before receiving the full benefits of your policy. Weigh your options when choosing a health insurance plan. Besides actual benefits and cost, consider any out-of-pocket medical costs you are required to shoulder befo

Insurance: 65 & Ready for Medicare

65 & Ready for Medicare

When you turn 65 years of age, you are ready to enroll in Medicare and enjoy its benefits. If you have paid Medicare tax, you can have Medicare Part A coverage for free, and you only have to pay premiums for Medicare Part B, Part C and Part D. If you have not paid Medicare tax but you are a U.S. cit

Insurance: How to Apply for Free Health Care in Texas

How to Apply for Free Health Care in Texas

In today's economy, private health insurance is unaffordable for many people in the United States. Fortunately, Medicaid is a government program that provides health care to those who need it but cannot afford it and thus, "might otherwise go without it." The Medicaid program is available in Texas

Insurance: Georgia Medicaid Policies

Georgia Medicaid Policies

Medicaid is a health care program designed for low-income families and individuals. It was created along with Medicare as part of the Social Security Act of 1965, with funding coming from both the state and federal government. The two governments share decision-making responsibilities regarding loca

Insurance: Health Insurance: EPO Vs. PPO

Health Insurance: EPO Vs. PPO

Both an EPO and a PPO can provide you and your family with comprehensive health coverage. EPO stands for "exclusive provider organization" while PPO stands for "preferred provider organization." These insurance plans offer the same type of coverage. The big difference is in how many choices you have

Insurance: What Is Single Pay Health Insurance?

What Is Single Pay Health Insurance?

Single pay health insurance is an idea that has been batted around in the United States for decades but has never come into fruition. It is currently being used in many foreign countries, particularly those in Europe.

Insurance: Dual Medicare & Medicaid Eligibility

Dual Medicare & Medicaid Eligibility

Medicare and Medicaid are national health care programs in the United States. Medicare is designed mainly for adults over the age of 65, while Medicaid is targeted at low-income individuals of any age, although most benefits go to children, people with disabilities and pregnant women. It is possible

Insurance: Ohio Medicare Supplement Policies

Ohio Medicare Supplement Policies

Medicare is a health care program created for U.S. senior citizens. Medicare comes in four parts. The original two parts, named A and B, cover hospital services, home health and doctor's visits. Part C, Medicare Advantage, allows buyers to get their Part A and B benefits from private insurance compa

Insurance: Medicare Eligibility Effect on Retirement Health Benefits

Medicare Eligibility Effect on Retirement Health Benefits

The coordination of retiree plans with Medicare is a common concern among older Americans. Each retiree plan has different rules and regulations, and understanding how your plan works with Medicare is important to get the most out of the health care options available.

Insurance: How to Understand a Health Insurance Policy

How to Understand a Health Insurance Policy

It is important to gain a basic understanding of your health insurance policy to be sure you know when coverage applies. Knowing some terminology and coverage types can be of assistance.

Insurance: What Is a Health Reimbursement Account in Health Insurance?

What Is a Health Reimbursement Account in Health Insurance?

A health reimbursement account is an account that is set up with an Internal Revenue Service-qualified trustee to pay for certain medical expenses. Heath reimbursement accounts are also called flexible spending accounts, medical savings accounts and health savings accounts. Although the IRS regulate

Insurance: How to Apply for Medicaid for a Child in Indiana

How to Apply for Medicaid for a Child in Indiana

In Indiana, there are several Medicaid programs available to eligible residents depending on various factors such as the applicant's age and income. For example, Hoosier Healthwise is a Medicaid health plan designed specifically for children age 19 and under, pregnant women and families with limited