Insurance: Part D Medicare Drug Plan Comparison

Part D Medicare Drug Plan Comparison

Medicare Part D, or the Medicare drug insurance plan, covers prescription medicines for Americans over age 65 or for younger Americans with certain medical conditions, such as acute renal failure. It is one of four basic parts of Medicare. In most cases, it requires paying a premium to participate.

Insurance: General Practice Policies

General Practice Policies

In a general practice doctor's office, the type and number of policies is typically left to the discretion of the individual physician, or group of physicians. However, there are a few policies nearly universal among these practices.

Insurance: How to Roll Over an HSA

How to Roll Over an HSA

Consumer-driven health care plans provide consumers with an incentive to shop around for the best price. Combining a high deductible health plan with a health savings account, or HSA, lets consumers save money on premiums while putting tax-deferred money aside to pay for medical expenses and the inc

Insurance: Frequently Asked Questions on Medicaid Eligibility

Frequently Asked Questions on Medicaid Eligibility

Medicaid is a state-sponsored health insurance program designed for needy individuals and families. Federal laws require each state to cover certain groups of people, including those with no or low incomes, the medically needy, Supplemental Security Income (SSI) recipients and children in foster car

Insurance: Sporanox Treatment

Sporanox Treatment

Sporanox is used to treat several types of fungal infections. Histoplasmosis, blastomycosis and aspergillosi are serious infections that can work their way into other parts of the body like the mouth, lungs, throat, fingernails and toenails. The antifungal medicine, Sporanox, interferes with the for

Insurance: What Are HCPCS Codes Used For?

What Are HCPCS Codes Used For?

HCPCS stands for Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System. HCPCS codes are known as Level II codes, because they are additional codes created to supplement and help further define CPT-4 procedure codes. In the 1980s, the term HCPCS was used interchangeably with CPT-4, but these days the codes add

Insurance: How to Access Free Reproductive Health Care Through Take Charge

How to Access Free Reproductive Health Care Through Take Charge

Take Charge is a federally funded family planning program that provides free reproductive health care to men and women in Washington State who earn at or below 200 percent of the federal poverty guideline level. For a one-person family, the poverty guideline in 2009 was $10,830. To access the servic

Insurance: Arkansas Rules & Regulations for Medicaid Patients

Arkansas Rules & Regulations for Medicaid Patients

Medicaid helps people pay medical bills.nursing duties image by Pix by Marti from Fotolia.comThe Medicaid program in Arkansas is run by the state's Department of Human Services (DHS). The program uses state and federal funds to help people with low income pay for medical care. Medicaid...

Insurance: How to Get Medicaid to Reimburse You for Home Health Care Expenses

How to Get Medicaid to Reimburse You for Home Health Care Expenses

Medicaid is a health insurance program that is funded by both the federal government and state governments. It provides financial assistance for health care for the elderly with low incomes, people with disabilities and low-income children who have no monetary assistance from their parents. Medicai

Insurance: The Advantages of HSA

The Advantages of HSA

HSAs have several advantages.Prescription medicine image by MAXFX from Fotolia.comA Health Savings Account (HSA) is a health insurance plan that combines an interest-earning savings vehicle with a high-deductible major medical insurance policy. To qualify, the medical plan must have a...

Insurance: What Is Fee for Service Health Insurance?

What Is Fee for Service Health Insurance?

Do you want out from under the restrictions of a managed care health insurance plan? Do you want the freedom to pick your own doctor, specialists, hospital and lab? Is freedom of choice more important to you than cost? If so, you should take time to understand fee-for-service health care insurance.

Insurance: Questions About Short-Term Disability

Questions About Short-Term Disability

Short-term disability insurance can help you pay the bills when you can't work.Paying Bills image by ne_fall_photos from Fotolia.comAlmost one-third of employees will experience a disabling event before retirement. This event can cause permanent or short-term disability. In the case of...

Insurance: Rating Factors of Health Insurance Companies

Rating Factors of Health Insurance Companies

Comstock/Comstock/Getty ImagesAs with any business undertaking, insurance companies operate according to a profit-loss structure. The rating factors used within the health insurance industry enable companies to manage risk or loss while ensuring a certain amount of profit is made. Rating...

Insurance: Slip, Trip and Fall Hazards

Slip, Trip and Fall Hazards

Slips, trips and falls happen often and are the second leading cause of personal injury; the first is automobile accidents. Such accidents result in everything from minor injuries such as sprained ankles to disabling, paralyzing injuries and even death. Many things can contribute to slips, trips or

Insurance: Questions to Ask Health Insurance Providers

Questions to Ask Health Insurance Providers

Find out what the plan costs and provides before signing on.Hospital image by Raulmah?3n from Fotolia.comThere are many companies that offer health care plans in the United States. Most of them include a variety of different options. Insurers offer plans for individuals and families,...

Insurance: COBRA Health Insurance: Florida

COBRA Health Insurance: Florida

The Federal Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act, or COBRA, provides employees with continued health care coverage in cases of involuntary layoff or termination from a job. Florida's COBRA regulations extend federal benefits in cases where employers or workplaces do not fall within the gui

Insurance: The Advantages of Children Going to Pre-K First

The Advantages of Children Going to Pre-K First

Many parents opt to send their children to a preschool program before they start kindergarten. Preschools can be either public or private, depending on what is available locally. These programs have several advantages and can help prepare children for kindergarten success. Choosing to send a child t

Insurance: Duties of a Medical Secretary

Duties of a Medical Secretary

A medical secretary is someone who oversees patients' medical records in a clinical setting. The secretary may also complete various office tasks as part of the duties of the position. Working closely with physicians, nurses and medical assistants is expected of the medical secretary.

Insurance: How Can I Fill out an Application for PHP TennCare?

How Can I Fill out an Application for PHP TennCare?

The state of Tennessee offers a program to low-income residents in need of medical assistance. Known as TennCare, the program provides Medicaid services to qualifying citizens based on income, lack of insurance through employer, or cases of families considered uninsurable due to a child's pre-existi

Insurance: What Is the Cigarette Tax Used For?

What Is the Cigarette Tax Used For?

In the United States, the federal cigarette tax is $1.01 as of November 2009. It is used to fund a specific children's health program. In addition to federal taxes, states and local municipalities tax cigarettes.