Law & Legal & Attorney: The History of Paper Money in America

The History of Paper Money in America

According to the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, the first currency in Colonial America was produced by the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1690. Soon other American colonies followed. Paper money did not eliminate barter, as trading goods was common through the 1800s.

Law & Legal & Attorney: Let's Call A Spade A Spade

Let's Call A Spade A Spade

The emotional and political connotations of the language we use is considered in light of the war on terrorism.

Law & Legal & Attorney: Descriptions of Various Art Styles: Realism & Impressionism

Descriptions of Various Art Styles: Realism & Impressionism

There are many styles the visual arts which are characterized according to the artistic principles and elements applied by the artist, the period during which the work was created as well as its relationship to a particular art movement. There were two major but very different styles of art which in

Law & Legal & Attorney: About the Australian Flag

About the Australian Flag

The Australian flag features the Union Jack in the upper left quadrant of the flag, with one large star beneath it and five stars of various sizes scattered in the upper and lower right quadrants.

Law & Legal & Attorney: Illegal Immigration is No Big Thing Say the Fringe Political Activists

Illegal Immigration is No Big Thing Say the Fringe Political Activists

Many think that illegal immigration is no big thing in The United States of America. In fact many law-abiding Americans have went to immigration rallies, marches and protests in order to demonstrate for pro-illegal immigration policies. One recent political blogger stated

Law & Legal & Attorney: Partisan Politics Is Destroying America

Partisan Politics Is Destroying America

Money, power and ideological extremism have corrupted the system. Relying on the status quo we cannot even begin to steer away from the path of self destruction. Partisan power politics is destroying America. It is time the people take on the task of governing and find a productive way between the u

Law & Legal & Attorney: What Is the Job of a State Senator?

What Is the Job of a State Senator?

State senators are elected officials that represent the constituents of their respective states. Each state is divided into districts, which state senators represent and serve. A state senator's duties reflect the needs and demands of the representative district, similar to the duties of U.S. Senato

Law & Legal & Attorney: The Declension of Libya

The Declension of Libya

On March 2, 2011, Libyan leader Muammar al-Qaddafi, said that he will fight to the last man as his forces battle the rebels for key facility installations. Qaddafi's forces attacked at Brega where the oil facilities are located.

Law & Legal & Attorney: How to Find a Correct Street Address

How to Find a Correct Street Address

The correct address for a location is important if you are trying to find it or send something to it. Whether it be a business or household, finding the address can be done with a little bit of leg work. Learning the steps for locating a place can help make whatever business you have with it go smoo

Law & Legal & Attorney: How to Impeach a State Senator

How to Impeach a State Senator

The most utilized process of removing a State Senator from office is called a recall. While it is often mistakenly referred to as impeachment, the processes differ in that a recall is a political device and while impeachment is a legal procedure. Recalls allow citizens to remove and replace public o

Law & Legal & Attorney: The Lender Of First Resort

The Lender Of First Resort

Private lenders took a flop when the housing bubble popped. Now the government offers them another chance to kick that football.

Law & Legal & Attorney: How Are Police Departments Structured?

How Are Police Departments Structured?

Police departments can differ in their specific structure, but in general they contain the characteristics of government bureaucracies and a military-style of organization that includes an authoritarian chain of command. A prominent social scientist found that police department structures can lead

Law & Legal & Attorney: Custom Made Fundraising Bands For Political Campaigns

Custom Made Fundraising Bands For Political Campaigns

Many political parties are looking for fundraisers that are a bit different from the usual sale of any product. On the other hand wristbands are great fundraisers and everyone is doing them; Read how.

Law & Legal & Attorney: America's Flag - A Spiritual History

America's Flag - A Spiritual History

The need for healing as the earth moves into a higher vibration of light applies not only to individuals, but to nations, and not only to nations, but to the symbols of nations that represent their essence.Thus, the flag of America is in need of healing as is her consciousness, and that which enable

Law & Legal & Attorney: A New Bumper Sticker Emerges "O=W" But What Does it Mean?

A New Bumper Sticker Emerges "O=W" But What Does it Mean?

The other day I was on the Golf Course and a gentleman "Teeing Off" ahead of me had a Bumper Sticker on his Hummer Golf Cart and it simply said; "O = W" and I asked him what it meant. Rather than telling me he handed me one and told me to put it on my golf cart once I figured it

Law & Legal & Attorney: Women Criminals I Have Known

Women Criminals I Have Known

It seems it is the season for paroling women who attempt to assassinate our presidents and those who commit heinous crimes. Sara Jane Moore, the middle aged woman and a mother who shot at Pres. Ford in 1975 was released from prison December 2007.

Law & Legal & Attorney: Obamacare Rationing Has Arrived: Live, or Die, With It

Obamacare Rationing Has Arrived: Live, or Die, With It

It isn't being called rationing since the president repeatedly pledged that would never happen under Obamacare but, pledge as they might, the Obamians are already busily engaged in restricting Americans' access to medical testing and treatment, aka rationing. And, don't dare even whis

Law & Legal & Attorney: Women's Rights in Muslim Nations

Women's Rights in Muslim Nations

The rights of women in Muslim nations depend entirely on the specific nation in which they live. For example, a Muslim woman's life in Egypt is entirely different from a Muslim woman's life in Saudi Arabia or Iran.