Will Reading This Make You Lucky?
When you\'re out of luck, how did you run out and where do you go to get more?
When you\'re out of luck, how did you run out and where do you go to get more?
Mitt Romney: I can't stand going into the bank either, the Caymans are unbelievably hot this time of year.
A picture of an idiotic protest sign that says 'Who needs oil? I ride the bus.'
A political cartoon about BP changing its name to improve its image after the Gulf oil spill.
A political cartoon depicting a new seal for the governor of Illinois.
Miley Venus VMAs twerk
A funny protest sign from the Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear in Washington.
We need to accept that making scary pranks to individuals is little bit unusual in some way, but some individuals have it in their custom and get amusement out of it.
Comedy Central Roast of Bob Saget - Photos of the Comedy Central Roast of Bob Saget - Greg Giraldo
A gallery of Funny Business Baby Memes
Game of Thrones Memes Joffrey Dick In A Box
Mitt Romney: I know you want change, but I only have $100 bills.
Read a review of Happy Thoughts, the stand-up comedy special from comedian and Tosh.0 host Daniel Tosh.
Even though my site is fairly new, I have been getting letters from crafters looking for advice on how to get started selling their wares. I thought that this letter and my answer would be ...
A political cartoon about the controversy over releasing the Osama Bin Laden death photos.
Dane Cook, Dax Shepard, and Jessica Simpson in a raucous workplace comedy.
Paul Ryan's hypocrisy on Social Security.
14 amazing things you never knew about Achmed The Dead Terrorist. These will shock you to the core.
A political cartoon about President Bush's exit from the White House.
View a funny picture about the predicted effects of global warming, featuring a camel crossing.