Email Surveillance
A political cartoon about NSA surveillance of Google and Yahoo.
A political cartoon about NSA surveillance of Google and Yahoo.
A bumper sticker for President Obama's 2012 reelection campaign.
A political cartoon about the late Ted Kennedy, the lion of the Senate.
A fake photo depicting Obama with a purple lightsaber.
A lot of such websites you can find on internet for gaming, which you can play either for free or to win cash. Free war game online is one of them. Taking one of the example of war game, it is designe
Sometimes you learn big, humongous life lessons in the weirdest of places, from the most unlikely of people. One of my biggest, most important lessons ever came from the weirdest, goofiest college fre
All this talk lately about President Obama laughing too much is really cracking me up. Doesn't anyone realize how important humor is, especially when times are bad?
A political cartoon about school shootings.
A political cartoon about Republicans using Benghazi for fundraising.
It's a blizzard, folks! Get the bread and milk and get ready to laugh at our collective plight.
All of you who are seeking a break out of dull and redundant life should not wait any more and book their deals of the Jeff Dunham tickets today from one of the most reliable online tickets booking si
A political cartoon about Barack Obama's problem with Blue Dog Democrats on healthcare reform.
A political cartoon about the NSA and American privacy.
The U.S. may be down and out as far as current allies go, but we still seem to have at least one ally without an alibi: Tony Blair, who has just dared to say that the world needs America to help deal with the worlds most acute problems.In a pamphlet published by The Foreign Policy Center think tank,
A political cartoon about Barack Obama and the 1 in 5 people who think he's a Muslim.
"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times". I learned that quote from Dickens' Tale of Two Cities in high school. I thought the quote was about high school.
View a funny photo of President Bush dropping his dog Barney.
I never claimed to be sane. I'm a writer. We don't need sanity to write. All we need is a keyboard and an idea. According to Mark Twain, "When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained." With that said, the issue of my mental state stands corre
I've had a hankering for fresh figs lately. What is surprising is that I have not thought about fresh figs for a long time. They have such a remarkable texture and taste. But where are they?
A political cartoon depicting the Obama bubble as another unsustainable bubble.