Government Shutdown Jokes
The best political jokes about the 2013 government shutdown.
The best political jokes about the 2013 government shutdown.
A definitive guide to the game Would You Rather with great examples of how to play to get you started. Get the official rules, and help with figuring out your own questions. In no time you will be playing like a pro.
When the author was very young he took a trip he will never forget to Destin Florida with hilarious results.If this humorous anecdotal story does not make you laugh, you aren't alive!
He was a lawyer of high as I once heard given to a young person, "Always do what you are afraid to do." Take risks.That calculated is quite different from being rash. Storms make oaks ...
A political cartoon about Rep. Anthony Weiner and congressional sex scandals.
A political cartoon about Donald Trump's birther beliefs.
View a parody featuring President Bush as moe from the three stooges.
A funny fail picture of George W. Bush holding a book upside down.
A new motto for TSA inspired by the controversy over security screenings.
An article pointing up evidence as to why I know my cat to be a Manchester City fan and what I think about this.
A humorous look at slogans from this year's graduating class. Finding comedy in the pressure placed graduates.
You can do it like in the movies-for American teenagers climb your CACHE; can concentrate your volition is an order of possible flirtations; Maybe you feel like only catch one ptima and having to varnish ...
A political cartoon depicting the Illinois Governor's seat as a toilet seat.
The hilarious sport of 'pranking' a car with joke bumper stickers, told by an expert of 30 years!
Funny Christmas gifts are always welcome holiday gift. Weather it is for a office gift exchange or that practical joker on your list funny Christmas gifts are always fun to give and receive. As the ho
Only ten years previously, suppliers have been simply starting to fully grasp the actual innovation how the World-wide-web would turn out to be to be able to including. Nowadays, it can be while essential inside ...
We all love magic, or at least we enjoy watching the show if for no other reason but because their tricks are beyond our comprehension. We for hours at end even after the show tend ...
A political cartoon about the rising cost of gas.
A parody featuring Sarah Palin starring in First Blood.
A political cartoon about Bill Clinton's role in Hillary's campaign.