Fall in love with learning something new.
Listen means to receive, learn means to accept what you receive not necessary to approveat this time.
To keep your life green and growing explore new subjects.
There are no uninteresting subjects, only people that are not interested.
The most exciting thing about learning is that there is more to learn.
Are you having enough enjoyment? How much happiness can you stand?Knowledge is the root of all good! Lies are the root of all evil.
When your body is hungry you know it.
When your mind is hungry, you start getting ripe and rotten.
Some people do not get out much.
Thank God for Television.
The travel channel.
The Discovery Channel.
The Internet.
Attend home and garden shows, boat shows, international car shows.
The past was so interesting, however the future is pure excitement for those willing to listen (receive new ideas) learn (accept new ideas not necessarily approve of them) and change how you think! Never change who you are, never change how you learn.
Change how you think.
We are living learning problem solving beings because we think.
Two heads are better than one, three heads are better than two, except when they are arguing.
Language is the dance of life.
Dance with as many people as possible and listen.
"Do not write anything you can phone, do not phone anything you can talk face to face,do not talk anything you can smile, do not smile anything you can wink and do not wink anything you can nod.
"Earl K.
Long Famous and infamous Legend in Louisiana Politics.
When life gets you down, it could be because your mind is starving for a new experience.
Go out to a movie, walk through a shopping mall and talk and listen to strangers.
You do not stop learning, because you get older, you get old because you stop learning.
There are old people that are young and young people that are old.
The earth is very old and it is still learning that is how it stays young.
The song says, "Fairy tales can come true it can happen to you, if you are young at heart.
" Language is the dance of life! Keep dancing in language with as many people as possible!
Listen means to receive, learn means to accept what you receive not necessary to approveat this time.
To keep your life green and growing explore new subjects.
There are no uninteresting subjects, only people that are not interested.
The most exciting thing about learning is that there is more to learn.
Are you having enough enjoyment? How much happiness can you stand?Knowledge is the root of all good! Lies are the root of all evil.
When your body is hungry you know it.
When your mind is hungry, you start getting ripe and rotten.
Some people do not get out much.
Thank God for Television.
The travel channel.
The Discovery Channel.
The Internet.
Attend home and garden shows, boat shows, international car shows.
The past was so interesting, however the future is pure excitement for those willing to listen (receive new ideas) learn (accept new ideas not necessarily approve of them) and change how you think! Never change who you are, never change how you learn.
Change how you think.
We are living learning problem solving beings because we think.
Two heads are better than one, three heads are better than two, except when they are arguing.
Language is the dance of life.
Dance with as many people as possible and listen.
"Do not write anything you can phone, do not phone anything you can talk face to face,do not talk anything you can smile, do not smile anything you can wink and do not wink anything you can nod.
"Earl K.
Long Famous and infamous Legend in Louisiana Politics.
When life gets you down, it could be because your mind is starving for a new experience.
Go out to a movie, walk through a shopping mall and talk and listen to strangers.
You do not stop learning, because you get older, you get old because you stop learning.
There are old people that are young and young people that are old.
The earth is very old and it is still learning that is how it stays young.
The song says, "Fairy tales can come true it can happen to you, if you are young at heart.
" Language is the dance of life! Keep dancing in language with as many people as possible!