Arnold the Republican
An illustration depicting Arnold Schwarzenegger as Conan the Republican.
An illustration depicting Arnold Schwarzenegger as Conan the Republican.
As we all know that one of the greatest and loveliest festivals - Christmas is about to come. Well there are so many festivals which get celebrated every year with lots of love and enthusiasm ...
Gift during the New Year plays an important role to create a wonderful festive moment and also make a grin to someone's face. Get here ideas on New Year gift items, gift baskets, corporate gi
Consider another perspective when you are tempted to let loose on the offending party. Before you act harshly, ask yourself whether your reaction would be appropriate if you were in the other persons position. There ...
A political cartoon about Barack Obama's arrival at the White House.
Would you believe Don Adams is the centerpiece of The ''Get Smart'' Page?
Check out a recap of Saturday Night Live episode 3711, hosted by Charles Barkley featuring musical guest Kelly Clarkson. Original air date 1/7/12.
A protest sign that says, 'My political views cannot be summarized in a pithy sign.'
The Five Man Electrical Band (originally The Staccatos) was a rock group from Canada's capital city of Ottawa, best known for their 1971 hit single€Signs€, a song that greatly popularized the somewhat unknown Canadian rock ...
Short story on Bed and Breakfast in the Chesapeake Bay
Everybody is aware with the magicians of Vegas as they are brilliant, experienced and versatile personalities. Some of them are perfectly gone with your kid's birthday themes. If you want to
There is no bigger bliss for lovers than being in each other's company, and no bigger tragedy when their love life passes through tough times.
An editorial cartoon about Hillary Clinton's misguided presidential campaign.
A political cartoon about President Bush's admission to mistakes.
The state of women in the comedy industry and an overview of the festivals, events and contests that promote female comedians.
Lately I've had the problem of falling asleep with my contact lenses still in my eyes.And by "lately," I mean for the past seven years.This, in a lot of ways, is the pinnacle of laziness because the removal of contacts takes no more than a minute or two, or three hours if it's yo
A political cartoon about Iran's nukes and the Olympics.
I have spent the last few days on the house telephone, the cell phones, the fax machine, the computer message wizard, the telegraph and other means of contact with my brokers, investment bankers, agents and portfolio coordinators. I am scared and, like most Americans do not know what to do or what t
Any homeowner can change a lightbulb. But, what if the bulb is in the cathedral ceiling? Here is a light-hearted look at a challenging chore.
A BP gas station gets a makeover courtesy of anti-BP protesters.