- 1). Put the Hova-Bator incubation system in a sheltered spot where it won't be exposed to drafts or big changes in temperature. Don't place it in direct sunlight. Controlling external temperature will make it easier to control the temperature inside the Hova-Bator.
- 2). Place the automatic egg turner that came with your Hova-Bator system inside the Hova-Bator, on the wire floor. Set the thermostat for 90 to 100 degrees, and clip it to the inside of the lid for accurate temperature readings. Add water to the inner water trough.
- 3). Put the peacock eggs into the automatic egg turner with their small ends facing down. Program the turner to turn the eggs at least three times a day to maintain their circulation. Put the lid on the Hovabator.
- 4). Refill the central water trough twice a week while the peacock eggs incubate. This will maintain the necessary humidity inside the system.
- 5). Take the eggs out of the egg turner and lay them on the wire floor two days before they hatch to ease the hatching process for the chicks.