Home & Garden: What to Do If a Bird Flies Into a Window

What to Do If a Bird Flies Into a Window

Windows are the single-biggest cause of human-related bird deaths in the United States. Often, birds will fly into your window because the window's reflection makes it look as if it's open space. Whether you're a bird enthusiast or simply someone who cares about wild animals, knowing what to do when

Home & Garden: Wrought Iron-Used for Many Decorative Products

Wrought Iron-Used for Many Decorative Products

Wrought iron is different from the cast iron and is a strong form of iron. It is made by pouring a molten iron into a mold and then it is allowed to cool. It is ...

Home & Garden: Different Household Items

Different Household Items

Household items often include bowls and various kitchen supplies.Jupiterimages/Photos.com/Getty ImagesThe term "household items" can entail a variety of objects. It is a term used to specify items frequently found in the home but can include everything from a cleaning mop to a shovel and...

Home & Garden: What Is the Best Stun Gun on the Market?

What Is the Best Stun Gun on the Market?

Carrying a non lethal self defense weapon such a hand held stun gun doesn't have to make you walk around in fear and it doesn't make you a wimp. People who know how to defend themselves and their families should not be characterized as wimps, chickens, or weirdos. Many people walk through

Home & Garden: Earth Friendly Solution to Kill Fire Ants

Earth Friendly Solution to Kill Fire Ants

Fire ants are named for their attack style; they sting victims repeatedly with high concentrations of painful poisons. They attack in droves and have decreased populations of possums, snakes, bobwhites, armadillos and raccoons.

Home & Garden: Self Defense for Women-Start with a Sense of Confidence

Self Defense for Women-Start with a Sense of Confidence

When it comes to defending themselves, women don't seem to take it as seriously as men. The training is there and the non lethal self defense weapons can help but a level of commitment to practice the art of self defense is necessary to instill a sense of confidence to prevail in an assault

Home & Garden: Can I Move Back Into My Foreclosed House?

Can I Move Back Into My Foreclosed House?

When you lose a house to foreclosure, it forces you to move out of the property and find another place to live. In some cases, you may be able to move back into the house after it is taken from you by the lender. This does not happen often, as it usually takes a large financial commitment.

Home & Garden: Uses for Variegated Oregano

Uses for Variegated Oregano

Oregano, also known as marjoram, has been in use since ancient times. It includes 18 naturally occurring hybrids, three botanical varieties, 44 species and six subspecies, all of which also encompass the various types of marjoram. Variegated oregano is one of these many varieties. Oregano is a stapl

Home & Garden: Residential and Commercial Alarm and Security Systems Inland Empire

Residential and Commercial Alarm and Security Systems Inland Empire

Security Systems in the Inland Empire: Residential security has been both the bread and butter and bane of security alarm companies. Although a large source of revenue, residential is also the largest source of false alarms and service calls. And although there are large numbers of residential alarm

Home & Garden: Fire Safety Activities for Kids

Fire Safety Activities for Kids

Fire safety activities prepare children for emergency situations. Using a variety of interactive fire safety activities will make the learning process more fun and effective for kids. Having the chance to practice safety procedures will make the kids more likely to stay calm and remember them in an

Home & Garden: Low Cost Burglar Alarm System

Low Cost Burglar Alarm System

Lives and properties need to be protected. Protecting them may cost a lot but low cost security systems are now available in the market. Lynx burglar alarm system can suits a homeowner needs.

Home & Garden: Garage Doors That Pose Dangers

Garage Doors That Pose Dangers

There is danger everywhere, and your garage is not an exception. Do you have an automatic garage door? If its garage door opener is non-reversing, your family may be in trouble.

Home & Garden: Some Home Security System Reviews

Some Home Security System Reviews

Security is one of the most important human needs. Home security is vital since many people usually leave their items at home. When selecting a security system it is important to check out the home security system reviews. Good systems should be made up of many devices that protect homes against bre

Home & Garden: Tis the Season for Holiday Burglary: 6 Things Burglars Love and Hate to See

Tis the Season for Holiday Burglary: 6 Things Burglars Love and Hate to See

Nearly every law enforcement agency warns of increased crime during the holidays, and rightfully so! The FBI reports that nearly 400,000 burglaries occur during November and December alone. Of those 400,000, single family homes are the most frequent victims. To make sure you and your home don't

Home & Garden: How to Format Phone Numbers in AP Style

How to Format Phone Numbers in AP Style

Journalists adhere to style guidelines when writing articles; those most often used are found in the Associate Press Stylebook, which is updated on a yearly basis. There are specific stylistic instructions for weights, measurements, parts of speech and usage. Phone numbers are no exception. The AP S

Home & Garden: How to Keep Your Valuable Items Safe From Burglars and Safe Breakers

How to Keep Your Valuable Items Safe From Burglars and Safe Breakers

Finding out that you have been burgled is something that gives you a very vulnerable and insecure feeling. Knowing that strangers have gone through all your personal possessions as well as items in your home make it even worse. There have been cases where homeowners have not got over this trauma, wh

Home & Garden: Call Locksmith Bedford for your Lock Concerns

Call Locksmith Bedford for your Lock Concerns

Any person needs safety of his family, belongings, property and business. A skillful locksmith in Bedford ensures that everything is in place and all is safe and secure. Locksmith Bedford will save yo

Home & Garden: How to Calculate Cooling Power

How to Calculate Cooling Power

The cooling power of your air conditioner is rated by the BTU output. The higher the BTUs, the more cooling power the unit has. For further comparison, you can use the SEER, or Seasonal Energy Efficiency Rating. The SEER is a factor that compares the cooling output of an air conditioner to the amoun

Home & Garden: How to Make a Bed for a Rat

How to Make a Bed for a Rat

Although many people see rats as pests that should be removed from the home immediately, some people can’t help but love these furry little rodents. If you fall into the second category, it’s likely that you share your home with a few caged rats. While rats don’t need a bed in orde