Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Engrave Crystal

How to Engrave Crystal

Engraving crystal is a very similar process to engraving other types of glass. According to, crystal is glass with an added lead component, which makes it both heavier and more reflective. The basic engraving process remains the same, however. Make beautiful crystal engravings desi

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Convert Cubic Inches to CCs

How to Convert Cubic Inches to CCs

"CC" is the abbreviation for cubic centimeters. A cubic centimeter measures out the same volume as a milliliter, since the metric system defines its volume units in terms of its length units. You can easily convert from cubic inches to cc's by multiplying by 16.387. CC is a common unit for measuring

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Use Magnetic Snaps

How to Use Magnetic Snaps

Magnetic snaps make sturdy, easy-to-install closures for purses, handbags and wallets. Each snap has two separate sides to it, and each side has a washer to help hold it in place. The washer and snap go on separate sides of the fabric. The prongs on the back of the snap go through the washer. While

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Types of Selection in Evolution

Types of Selection in Evolution

Evolutionary selection is a process whereby organisms that have the characteristics best suited for their environment are able to produce more offspring, leading to the propagation of their genes. Over time, the favorable characteristics become the norm and the less favorable characteristics disappe

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Make Wood Tarot Boxes

How to Make Wood Tarot Boxes

People use Tarot cards for self-reflection and as a means of divination. Tarot cards are also visually interesting and can simply be fun to have around, look at, and play. Whatever your use for Tarot cards, it's important to keep them in good condition as well as to store them in a sturdy and aesthe

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Can You Sit Hot Pans on a Marble Top?

Can You Sit Hot Pans on a Marble Top?

Marble countertops add a flair of sophistication to any kitchen decor. Available in assorted colors and patterns, this natural stone's appearance is determined by the geographical location from which it is excavated. No two slabs of marble are identical, making every marble countertop one of a kind.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Weld a Stainless Steel Sheet

How to Weld a Stainless Steel Sheet

Welding sheets of stainless steel is not much different from welding other materials, but there is one key difference: Do it quickly and do it hot. It is important that you weld quickly when welding stainless steel because you don't want to melt the edges of the sheets. Also, because the welding mac

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: The Greenhouse Theory

The Greenhouse Theory

The greenhouse effect is a planetary phenomenon in which heat from light energy is trapped within the atmosphere and the greenhouse theory presents concern that too much of these gases will cause catastrophic temperature increases.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Make a Robot From Common Household Appliances

How to Make a Robot From Common Household Appliances

Making a robot from common household appliances is a creative project that can be relaxing and enjoyable while recycling old items. Serious mechanics and engineers beware: this robot will not satisfy your desire for a functioning machine. A robot made from things around the house is one that will si

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Unlock a Ryobi 10 Compound Miter Saw

How to Unlock a Ryobi 10 Compound Miter Saw

The Ryobi 10-inch compound miter saw uses a circular blade to cut through material, such as wood. The blade secures to an arm that bolts to a table. You can change the angle of the blade to the table and cut different angles into the material. When you store your Ryobi compound miter saw, you push t

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: What Is Nadph in Photosynthesis?

What Is Nadph in Photosynthesis?

Photosynthesis is the process by which plants take light energy, water and carbon dioxide and convert it to sugar and oxygen. This is done in two cycles, a Light Dependent Cycle and a Light Independent Cycle. NADPH is used in the Light Independent, or dark, cycle.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: What Is Sodium Edta?

What Is Sodium Edta?

Sodium EDTA refers to the disodium salt of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid. It is a synthetic amino acid commonly used as a chelating agent, meaning that it binds to dissolved metal ions.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Find Buoyancy

How to Find Buoyancy

Corks float and bowling balls don't. Simple enough. But the reason why corks and bowling balls behave differently in water is more complicated. Buoyancy, or the buoyant force exerted on an object, depends on the amount of water displaced by the object and the mass, or weight of that water. Scientist

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Crafts Using Fish Bowls

Crafts Using Fish Bowls

A fish bowl can be used as more than just a home for a fish; with a little ingenuity and some basic craft supplies, a fish bowl can be transformed into decorative or useful one-of-a-kind items. On the next rainy day, or when your kids start complaining that they are bored, take that empty fish bowl

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Grandfather Clock Packing Instructions

Grandfather Clock Packing Instructions

Moving from one home to another can be stressful, especially if you have a lot of valuable and fragile items to move. If you are planning a big move and have a grandfather clock you need to take with you, you may be concerned about damage to the clock. As long as you take the appropriate precautions

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Make a Cheerleading Costume With Duct Tape

How to Make a Cheerleading Costume With Duct Tape

Whether you are going to a costume party or just looking for a fun do-it-yourself arts and crafts idea, making your own clothing from duct tape can be an easy way to show your personal style. One outfit that can be made from duct tape is a cheerleading costume. By using different colors of duct tape

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Geodes Found in Utah

Geodes Found in Utah

The deserts and mountains of Utah have become a mecca for rock-hounds and mineral collectors. Within a few hours' drive of Salt Lake City you can find gemstones, petrified wood, fossils and crystal-bearing geodes. If you are a private rock collector, there are few restrictions on what you collect, a

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Hawk Migration Patterns in Pennsylvania

Hawk Migration Patterns in Pennsylvania

Hawks are migratory birds of prey, whose annual flight south in the winter and their return in the spring is observed by many hawk watchers at sites throughout Pennsylvania. Many of these hawk watchers are also volunteers who help record the number and types of hawks they see to Hawk Count (hawkcoun

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Make the Queen of Hearts' Scepter

How to Make the Queen of Hearts' Scepter

The Queen of Hearts, a memorable character from Lewis Carroll's 1865 novel "Alice in Wonderland," is typically portrayed as a colorful villain dressed in a regal gown of red and black, wearing a gold crown and carrying a scepter decorated with a red heart. The character was based in part on Queen Vi