Health & Medical: Alternate Uses of Ear Plugs For Sleeping

Alternate Uses of Ear Plugs For Sleeping

Ear plugs for sleeping are one of the best products available in the market which allow you to sleep peacefully even in the presence of the most emphatic and blatant noises around. They have saved people the excuse for not being able to sleep due to their partners consistent snoring or those ringing

Health & Medical: When Does Your Toddler Need a Hearing Center?

When Does Your Toddler Need a Hearing Center?

Have you begun to believe your toddler may not be hearing well? Have you considered an evaluation at a hearing center but you're fearful of what may be found? You're not alone as many people have most likely felt this way.

Health & Medical: Ear Ringing Causes - 5 Tips For Getting the Problem Solved!

Ear Ringing Causes - 5 Tips For Getting the Problem Solved!

If you are tired of suffering from the effects of Tinnitus then it's about time you started looking at what could be contributing to this life altering complaint. Ear ringing causes disruption to your daily life and can often be associated with depression, so what steps can you take to get your

Health & Medical: Helping Babies Adjust to Hearing Aids

Helping Babies Adjust to Hearing Aids

When a baby needs a hearing aid, the adjustment period can be quite tricky for both parents and child. While the parents understand the importance of helping their baby adjust to hearing aids for optimal speech and language development, the baby simply understands that a foreign object is now in her

Health & Medical: Affordable hearing aids

Affordable hearing aids

There are times when you have to look around for buying affordable hearing aids. The moment you are thinking of saving money then purchasing cheap hearing aids online is one best option available for

Health & Medical: Tinnitus - Cure It And "Shoot It Down"

Tinnitus - Cure It And "Shoot It Down"

Are you searching for a cure for the torment that is tinnitus? If you have tinnitus, then you probably are, so pull up a chair and buckle down, because you seriously need to read this article. In this article, we will discuss a mental checklist that you must go through if you are going to find a cur

Health & Medical: Physical Causes of Dizziness

Physical Causes of Dizziness

Seek medical attention if you experience dizziness for the first time.headache image by Pavel Losevsky from Fotolia.comDizziness is a broad term for various sensations such as lightheadedness, unsteadiness, loss of balance and vertigo, or a spinning sensation, according to Mayo Clinic....

Health & Medical: The Symptoms of Tinnitus - Is There a Cure?

The Symptoms of Tinnitus - Is There a Cure?

Tinnitus can manifest itself in many different ways including a constant roaring sound, buzzing, whistling or hissing. In whatever form it appears, it may cause sufferers frustration or discomfort which can vary from person to person. But is there a cure for this incessant problem?

Health & Medical: How to Unclog & Clean Ears

How to Unclog & Clean Ears

Your ear canals naturally secrete earwax to help trap dust and dirt that enters the ear canal. As the earwax accumulates, it moves from inside the canal to the ear opening where you can remove it or it falls out of your ear by itself. Over time, earwax may accumulate within an ear canal and contribu

Health & Medical: Signs & Symptoms of Inner Ear Infections

Signs & Symptoms of Inner Ear Infections

Inner ear infections, also known as otitis media, is an inflammation of the middle ear. The inflammation may be caused by bacteria or viral infection and affects more children than adults. Some inner ear infections can resolve on their own, but bacterial infections will need medical treatment.

Health & Medical: What Causes Vestibular Neuritis?

What Causes Vestibular Neuritis?

Vestibular neuritis occurs when the vestibular nerve, a nerve located in the inner ear that carries balance signals to the brain, is swollen. The swelling of the vestibular nerve results in vertigo, a condition in which a person feels out of balance, as if the room in spinning. Typically, vestibular

Health & Medical: Top Tips on How to Remove Ear Wax Effectively

Top Tips on How to Remove Ear Wax Effectively

Learning how to remove ear wax safely can mean the difference between a healthy ear drum and hearing loss. It isn't rocket science, but if you don't do it correctly, the consequences are life altering. Here are some tips on how to remove earwax safely and effectively.

Health & Medical: Resound Alera - Innovation and Performance

Resound Alera - Innovation and Performance

The Resound Alera is an innovative hearing aids product from GN Resound. It is acknowledged to improve hearing even in the most difficult listening environments. Let's review some of the important features and benefits of this product.

Health & Medical: How to Determine the Cause of Your Tinnitus

How to Determine the Cause of Your Tinnitus

Tinnitus is a very complex condition that can be brought on several different reasons. To treat your tinnitus you will first have to diagnosis yourself and determine where your tinnitus originates.

Health & Medical: Hearing Problems Are Not Just For Your Grandparents

Hearing Problems Are Not Just For Your Grandparents

When we think of individuals losing their hearing we almost always think of older people. Of grandma or grandpa saying something funny in place of what was actually said. Hearing loss is very serious and not limited to the old. Hearing loss in children is very common and more parents need to know th

Health & Medical: Common Treatable Causes of Hearing Loss

Common Treatable Causes of Hearing Loss

In a world where music is increasingly at our fingertips, hearing loss can be a truly devastating event. Sometimes, people can lose hearing in one or both ears, either completely or just by a certain percentage. Either way, there are a variety of causes of hearing loss, some of which are preventable

Health & Medical: Hearing Center Treating Hearing Problems in the Aging

Hearing Center Treating Hearing Problems in the Aging

Hearing centers and aging go hand in hand for serious hearing loss. An (hearing doctor) can quite simply question their patient, perform a physical examination of the external and middle ear or the inner ear if physical damage in suspected, and they can order an aid that has been fitted and selected

Health & Medical: How to Treat Earaches with Natural Home Remedies

How to Treat Earaches with Natural Home Remedies

If you have an earache with no fever and want to explore natural remedies as opposed to using traditional medications, here are a few remedies you can try. Remember not to try these on an infant or child who is too young to express to you whether or not they are still in pain.