Health & Medical: Self-Care Strategies for Managing Heartburn

Self-Care Strategies for Managing Heartburn

Heartburn symptoms can often be relieved if sufferers make a few lifestyle changes. Many people can significantly reduce the occurrence of symptoms by avoiding heartburn triggers and behaviors that contribute to acid reflux flare-ups.

Health & Medical: Treatment of Patients With Dual Hepatitis C and B

Treatment of Patients With Dual Hepatitis C and B

Are patients with hepatitis C and B treated with pegylated interferon and an antiviral at an increased risk for developing hepatocellular carcinoma? This new study explores the connection.

Health & Medical: List of Easily Digestible Foods

List of Easily Digestible Foods

Whether you have been diagnosed with a digestive disorder or simply have a cranky digestive system, knowing which foods are easiest to digest can be beneficial to your digestive tract and physical/emotional well-being. Most foods considered easy to digest vary from one person to the next...

Health & Medical: Simple Ways to Manage Digestive Problems

Simple Ways to Manage Digestive Problems

What causing your digestive problems? WebMD explains how to treat and prevent heartburn, constipation, gas, bloating, diarrhea, and hemorrhoids.

Health & Medical: Chronic Constipation: Facts vs. Myths

Chronic Constipation: Facts vs. Myths

Chronic constipation is a common problem that can often be relieved by following a multifaceted lifestyle approach to treatment.

Health & Medical: Natural Cure for Heartburn - Healing Your Stomach Acid Reflux Naturally

Natural Cure for Heartburn - Healing Your Stomach Acid Reflux Naturally

If you are constantly being bothered by your painful heartburn but still could not find the right cure for it, you will probably be surprised to find out that there are effective cures that you can actually do at home. This article will divulge all the secret and natural cures for people who are str

Health & Medical: Heartburn Home Remedies - Natural Cure

Heartburn Home Remedies - Natural Cure

Heartburn consists in a burning sensation that starts in the lower part of the chest and can extend itself up to the throat. Heartburn is usually produced when gastric acids are flowing up through the sphincter that separates the stomach from the esophagus because this one has not closed itself comp

Health & Medical: Virtual Colonoscopy

Virtual Colonoscopy

Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of virtual colonoscopy including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more.

Health & Medical: How Fiber Can Help Diarrhea

How Fiber Can Help Diarrhea

If you’re coping with frequent diarrhea, high-fiber foods can help. Here’s what you need to know.

Health & Medical: Blood in Stool

Blood in Stool

Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of blood in stool including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more.

Health & Medical: Home Remedy for Trapped Gas

Home Remedy for Trapped Gas

There are several different forms of gas. Gas may be released from the stomach through belching, may be released from the rectum, or may become trapped in the abdomen after eating. Gas that becomes trapped in the abdominal area can cause bloating as well as significant pain or discomfort.

Health & Medical: What Is Acid Reflux Uvula?

What Is Acid Reflux Uvula?

The uvula is the small bell-shaped appendage that hangs down at the back of your throat. Its function is to help stop food from going down the wrong way. Acid reflux is when stomach acid finds its way back up the esophagus.

Health & Medical: Types of Rectal Prolapse

Types of Rectal Prolapse

Picture of normal rectum and complete prolapse of rectum; Rectal prolapse happens when loose tissue in the rectum slides downward. The loose tissue may partially or completely stick out of the anus. There are three types of rectal prolapse: Complete prolapse. Part of the wall of the rectum slides do

Health & Medical: Getting a Handle on Acid Reflux Cures

Getting a Handle on Acid Reflux Cures

If you are constantly bombarded with painful stabbing pain in your chest with a bile sting in your mouth, then you might be interested in finding out some acid reflux cures. Read on for some helpful information today.

Health & Medical: Stomach Ache Causes

Stomach Ache Causes

There are several causes of stomach aches. Some are benign and some severe. Following are some common causes of stomach ache with treatment options.

Health & Medical: Gallstones-Surgery


Surgery to remove the gallbladder (cholecystectomy) is the treatment of choice for gallstones that cause moderate to severe pain or other symptoms. Symptoms usually do not return after the gallbladder has been removed. In a small number of cases, surgery

Health & Medical: Acid Reflux

Acid Reflux

If you hear the term acid reflux do you really know what it means?If you do not, you are not alone.There are a lot of people that are told that they have acid reflux, but really have no clue as to what it is.Acid reflux is a condition where stomach juices and acids come up from the stomach into the