Health & Medical stomach,intestine & Digestive disease

Best Acid Reflux Remedy - Acid Controlling Drugs Will Not Solve Your Heartburn Problem

If you are a heartburn sufferer, have you ever wondered why some clever scientist has not yet found a cure for your problem? The answer is quite simple - why should they? The market for heartburn remedies generates a fortune for the pharmaceutical industry which would disappear if one of their smart guys developed a permanent cure.
So you continue to search for the best acid reflux remedy to give you that much needed relief.
If the pharmaceutical industry has no incentive to solve your problem then where do you go to find the best heartburn remedy? Could there possibly be a long term solution to the pain and distress? Might there even be a permanent cure? Read on and you will find some rather interesting answers.
Firstly we need to dispel a fundamental myth about treating heartburn and the reflux that causes it.
Acid reflux is not caused by too much acid in your stomach.
It is simply not true.
However, all conventional, drug based medication acts by reducing the amount of acid that the stomach produces.
Yes, it is true that acid causes the problem but it is not the amount that we produce that is the problem.
On the contrary, we produce less stomach acid as we grow older but the number of heartburn sufferers increases.
We need to consider what causes the problem? The food we swallow is normally prevented from refluxing back into the gullet by a muscular valve, but this valve often develops a weakness and it is not able to close effectively.
Consequently, reflux occurs more frequently and this is the cause of chronic acid reflux or GERD.
So, it is the valve mechanism that is at fault and not the stomach acid itself.
So, if acid controlling drugs are not the answer how do you resolve your problem? Drug based medication is not the only way to deal with health issues.
Accept this and you are on your way.
By adopting a totally natural approach to treating your heartburn, you will discover that you can achieve much greater control over your problem.
Certainly a much more effective, long term remedy.
Acid reflux is caused by a combination of factors and to solve your problem you must deal with all of them and eliminate them.
By combining strategic diet and lifestyle changes with the most appropriate natural supplements, you can develop a program of treatment that specifically targets these factors, treats them and eliminates them.
Eliminate all of them and you have found that permanent cure for your heartburn.
That was obviously just a very brief overview.
If it all sounds much too simple, rest assured, it does work.
Check for yourself and find out how thousands of former sufferers have discovered that permanent cure.
Surely the best acid reflux remedy of all.
They did, of course, get some rather important guidance.
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