Health & Medical: Tips for a Better Sleep Temperature

Tips for a Better Sleep Temperature

Is there an ideal temperature for sleep? Learn about pillows, mattresses, and more things that can keep your bedroom’s temperature just right so you’ll sleep better.

Health & Medical: Understanding Narcolepsy - Excessive Daytime Sleepiness

Understanding Narcolepsy - Excessive Daytime Sleepiness

Narcolepsy is a misunderstood type of sleeping disorder mainly because its symptoms can easily be misdiagnosed. In essence, this is a type of sleeping disorder whereby the narcoleptic gets sleep attacks during the day - often called excessive daytime sleepiness disorder (EDS).

Health & Medical: The Best Way to Get a Quality Night of Rest

The Best Way to Get a Quality Night of Rest

Sleep deprivation is a common problem for people in fast paced world. Sleep debt occurs when fatigue gets accumulated due to too much sleep or too little sleep over many nights. If it continues for a long time, it can lead to various health problems such as high blood pressure, heart disease, memory

Health & Medical: Periodic Limb Movement Disorder

Periodic Limb Movement Disorder

Periodic limb movement disorder (PLMD), the only movement disorder that occurs only during sleep, is repetitive cramping or jerking of the legs during sleep.

Health & Medical: Stop Snoring Mouthpiece

Stop Snoring Mouthpiece

Though snoring is a common problem in society, few people take it seriously. Snoring is created when certain tissues in our throat vibrate due to the air passing through our throat...

Health & Medical: How To Stop Nightmares In Adults

How To Stop Nightmares In Adults

Nighttime is the time to sleep and rest the restless mind. But for some going to bed is the beginning of their greatest problems. What I'm talking about here is nightmares, the scary and violent dream

Health & Medical: To Prevent Snoring Try These 3 Simple Tips

To Prevent Snoring Try These 3 Simple Tips

If you're searching for ways to prevent snoring at night, then you've come to the right place. Here you'll discover 3 easy ways to stop your snoring damaging your health and your relationship.

Health & Medical: What Foods and Supplements Can Improve Insomnia?

What Foods and Supplements Can Improve Insomnia?

If you have a balance and health diet, it is not only can improve your health, also can improve your sleep habits. There are 5 simple and effective tips to teach you how to improve your diet and help you to solve insomnia problems.

Health & Medical: Different Types of Sleep Disorder Treatments

Different Types of Sleep Disorder Treatments

The effectiveness of a sleep disorder treatments is usually affected by the state of emotions and the environment of the person who is suffering from insomnia. Thus, before a person does start on a sleep disorder treatment, he or she should make it a point to delve deeper into the cause of his or he

Health & Medical: Sleep Apnea Medication by CPAP

Sleep Apnea Medication by CPAP

Sleep apnea is a disease that is known as a salient killer. If you do not care of yourself or if you do not contact the doctor, then you are going to lose you precious life.

Health & Medical: 5 Sleep Stages - How to Keep Your Body and Mind in Peak Condition

5 Sleep Stages - How to Keep Your Body and Mind in Peak Condition

There are five stages of sleep which continue through a cycle during the period of sleeping.Although the specific amount of time spent in each stage varies, it is most beneficial if the sleep stages are not interrupted, as each has its own particular function and purpose.

Health & Medical: A New Snoring Cure? The Snoreplasty Procedure

A New Snoring Cure? The Snoreplasty Procedure

It seems like snoring and sleep apnea treatments are rediscovered and proclaimed by the media as a new "cure," when in fact, it's been described years before. A British doctor reports that by injecting a scarring agent into the soft palate, snoring is eliminated.

Health & Medical: Insomnia Tip: Rolling Your Eyes Deepens Your Rest (Really!)

Insomnia Tip: Rolling Your Eyes Deepens Your Rest (Really!)

When you're lying in bed (or meditating) but can't relax, roll your eyes. Don't roll them like a teenager reacting to a parent. Instead, rest and roll your eyes to the back. Then your body and mind relax, guiding you to deeper renewal. And even sleep!

Health & Medical: Learn How to Stop Snoring Now

Learn How to Stop Snoring Now

If you want to say goodbye to sleepless nights, you must find out how to stop snoring to relieve yourself as well as those sleeping close to you in order to get a peaceful nights sleep. There are numerous ways to quit snoring. However, to begin with you can try some of the easiest self help methods