Health & Medical: How to Treat a Cold Sore Naturally Using Just Your Diet

How to Treat a Cold Sore Naturally Using Just Your Diet

The most miserable feeling ever is to wake in the morning with an itching, tiny blister on your lip. Anyone who has suffered from a fever blister can explain this. It's the beginning of two weeks of dreadful distress and agony. Since I'm a fever blister sufferer, I can speak first hand. I&

Health & Medical: At Last! - Someone Who Talks Sense About Curing Psoriasis!

At Last! - Someone Who Talks Sense About Curing Psoriasis!

Some weeks ago I decided that I would search the net high and low to find something that would help me cure my psoriasis which seems to be spreading like wild flower. I was tired of all the useless creams, wrapping my arms in cellophane, and having to wear appropriate clothing to cover my ugly scale

Health & Medical: Battling With A Lifetime Skin Disease

Battling With A Lifetime Skin Disease

Are you suffering from a disastrous skin problem called Rosacea? This is a skin disease affecting the blood vessels of your skin. It is sometimes referred to as acne rosacea yet is not linked with a history of pimples or acne.

Health & Medical: Learn the Eczema Causes and How to Deal With Them

Learn the Eczema Causes and How to Deal With Them

What are the eczema causes? This is the question that most eczema sufferers would like to know the answer. However, there are some factors that can activate your eczema symptoms, as shown in this article. These factors can be considered to be the eczema causes as well.

Health & Medical: Natural Skin Care For Men - 4 Amazing Ingredients

Natural Skin Care For Men - 4 Amazing Ingredients

If you are one of those men who are totally frustrated because those wrinkles and fine lines on your face and don't know what to do then sit down and relax. Today I will tell you about 4 amazing natural ingredients that can change the story of your skin problems sooner than you could imagine.

Health & Medical: Home Remedy for Dry Itchy Skin - 8 Methods That Can Provide You Relief

Home Remedy for Dry Itchy Skin - 8 Methods That Can Provide You Relief

Dryness in skin occurs most during the winter season, when humidity is low, while itching may happen due to different reasons. Best alternative in this situation is to go for the home remedies as they are cost effective, easily accessible, have no side effect and provide speedy relief.

Health & Medical: How to Take Care of Your Skin

How to Take Care of Your Skin

Do you suffer from dry or wrinkled skin? This article will outline ways you can deal with the problem.

Health & Medical: Search For Organic Natural Skin Care Products

Search For Organic Natural Skin Care Products

With the market for organic natural skin care products exploding in recent years, consumers are faced with more options than might seem humanly possible to consider. Where to begin, and how to avoid wasting time and money are important considerations when it comes to searching for the right skin car

Health & Medical: Various Types of the Bikini Wax

Various Types of the Bikini Wax

Nowadays, our most intimate body parts are not so private anymore. Walking down the beach, ladies can be seen in their skimpiest bikinis. In some places, people don't even wear anything anymore when sunbathing! So ...

Health & Medical: How to Use an Astringent Skin Toner in Your Skin Care Routine

How to Use an Astringent Skin Toner in Your Skin Care Routine

We are all taught that to have attractive skin we need to first determine what type of skin we have and to properly wash and moisturize our faces accordingly. However, another very important step in maintaining clean, toned skin is to use an astringent skin toner between washing and moisturizing you

Health & Medical: Video: Skin Products for Pseudomonas Aeruginosa

Video: Skin Products for Pseudomonas Aeruginosa

Video Transcript Hi. This is Doctor Debra Jaliman, board certified dermatologist in New York City and author of the book Skin Rules Trade Secrets From A Top New York Dermatologist, here to talk about Pseudomonas Aeroginosa and what you can do about it. Pseudomonas is a very severe skin...

Health & Medical: Heat Rash

Heat Rash

Following on from recent articles on sunburn and sunscreen we thought it relevant to continue the theme and write an article on heat rash. We will cover what heat rash is, the symptoms and causes ...