Health & Medical: Some Doctors Believe Acupuncture May Offer Fertility Benefits

Some Doctors Believe Acupuncture May Offer Fertility Benefits

Patients with an increased maternal age, those with sperm DNA fragmentation and who experience recurrent miscarriages may also be candidates for this treatment. Those suffering from immunological causes of infertility, implantation failures, patients undergoing in vitro fertilization or other assist

Health & Medical: Ovulation And Conception Tools

Ovulation And Conception Tools

Ovulation is the process in which a woman releases an egg. This process occurs on a monthly basis. It happens on around day 14 of the menstrual cycle.

Health & Medical: Being a Friend to Someone Who Had a Pregnancy Loss

Being a Friend to Someone Who Had a Pregnancy Loss

It's easy to feel out of place when your friend has a pregnancy loss, but not only will your comfort and support be welcome, you could make a real difference in your friend's life at this difficult time.

Health & Medical: What to Expect From a Vasectomy

What to Expect From a Vasectomy

According to, more than half a million American men undergo vasectomies as a permanent birth control method each year. Vasectomies offer nearly 100 percent effective pregnancy prevention and involve a relatively simple surgery which is often performed in your doctor's office.

Health & Medical: A Woman's Diet at the Time of Conception Linked to Baby's Gender

A Woman's Diet at the Time of Conception Linked to Baby's Gender

The father's sperm determines the baby's gender, of course, but surprising new research by the universities of Exeter and Oxford suggest that there's more factors which come into play. British scientists say a baby's gender is also associated with the mother's diet prior to

Health & Medical: Can You Get Pregnant Without Having a Period?

Can You Get Pregnant Without Having a Period?

Young girls are often led to believe that pregnancy is impossible before they get their first period. They are even told that the first menstrual period is Mother Nature's way telling them that they can become mothers. However, while it is highly unlikely, it is entirely possible to get pregnant wit

Health & Medical: Nursing Tank Tops Are All the Rage - Why?

Nursing Tank Tops Are All the Rage - Why?

If you've had a child and are or have breastfed than you are able to appreciate the challenges that await the mom that selects this method. One of those challenges is getting hold of clothing that not only permits momma to conveniently feed her baby but clothing that lets her look and feel grea

Health & Medical: Intuitive Communication With Your Unborn Child

Intuitive Communication With Your Unborn Child

Using this intuitive or telepathic communication ability, the mother would be able to pinpoint any weaknesses-even pinpoint a weakness down to the genetic code. She could change the developing fetus, definitely in the early stages.

Health & Medical: 5 Ways That Pregnancy Pillow Reviews Help Expecting Moms

5 Ways That Pregnancy Pillow Reviews Help Expecting Moms

Pregnancy pillows like the Comfort-U body pillow are a very big help to expecting moms all over the world. This is because all thanks to these special cushions, expecting mothers can now be able to have a good night sleep even if they have a very big baby bump. With the many brands available in the