MRI- and PET-Guided Biopsy
Using combined PET and MR imaging while obtaining a stereotactic biopsy may help target brainstem tumors more precisely.
Using combined PET and MR imaging while obtaining a stereotactic biopsy may help target brainstem tumors more precisely.
ByHealthwise StaffPrimary Medical ReviewerAnne C. Poinier, MD - Internal MedicineSpecialist Medical ReviewerPeter J. Whitehouse, MD - NeurologyLast RevisedJune 11, 2013
Low-grade tumors of the central nervous system constitute 15 to 35 percent of primary brain tumors.
A new study offers management guidance in patients with focal epilepsy.
A brain tumor is an abnormal deposit of cells in the brain. It may be either benign or malignant, and will usually cause certain symptoms in the sufferer. These symptoms most often occur in relation to the area in which the tumor is located, as it may be pressing or disrupting a certain portion of t
This review summarizes the clinical features of the most common diabetic neuropathies, along with their management approaches, and provides a brief overview of new therapies under investigation.
Drug Increases Interest Level in Tasks, Cuts Back on Brain 'Noise'
The jugular foramen lies at the junction of the base of the temporal and occipital bones. It has two compartments: the posterolateral pars venosa, which contains the jugular bulb and the 10th and 11th cranial nerves; and the anteromedial pars nervosa, which contains the IPS and ninth cranial ...
Women with epilepsy should avoid taking the drug valproate (Depakote) during pregnancy if possible, according to new guidelines developed by the American Academy of Neurology and the American Epilepsy Society.
WebMD provides an overview of the latest treatment options for Alzheimer's disease.
Peroneal neuropathy is a functional disturbance of the peroneal nerve. Peroneal nerve damage can cause loss of muscle control, loss of muscle tone and eventually loss of muscle mass. Foot drop is a condition caused by injury to the peroneal nerve. Diabetes may also cause nerve damage any where in th
If you have multiple sclerosis (MS) and think you may need nursing home care in the future, learn more from WebMD about how to find the right facility.
Many people with multiple sclerosis (MS) will develop a tremor, and until now, there was little that could be done to minimize this shaking.
Face pain, or neuralgia, can be caused by mild stimulation of the face resulting in a severe pain that shoots along a pinched nerve or group of nerves.
This review reports on 5 patients with ICH deep in the dominant hemisphere, with clot evacuation deemed too risky. Did decompressive hemicraniectomy alone provide acceptable outcomes?
Find in-depth feature stories on Alzheimer's Disease Health at WebMD
A petit mal or petit seizure is also called an absence seizure and is characterized by brief episodes of unresponsive staring. With two or more seizure incidents, a person is considered to have epilepsy.
Contrary to the claims of some critics, there is convincing evidence that ADHD is a real disorder with a strong biological basis and that it is often underdiagnosed.
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Spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage and secondary communicating hydrocephalus are well described in preterm infants, and result from germinal matrix immaturity compounded by extravascular factors.