Mobile CT: Prehospital Diagnosis and Treatment of Stroke
Prehospital CT imaging can reduce delay in critical diagnosis and treatment of stroke. This brief review summarizes recent studies and provides an outlook on potential future developments.
Prehospital CT imaging can reduce delay in critical diagnosis and treatment of stroke. This brief review summarizes recent studies and provides an outlook on potential future developments.
Growing numbers of teens are receiving prescription stimulants to treat the symptoms of their attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
Watching their newborn baby have a seizure is a terrifying experience for parents, but not all seizures portend a serious outcome for the child. Here are some of the less severe forms of infant epilepsy.
Could Mean Earlier Treatment, Prolonged Quality-of-Life
Learn about Alzheimer's disease and how to maintain quality of life.
Carpal tunnel syndrome occurs when the median nerve, which is located between the forearm and palm, is impinged or otherwise squeezed. This compression of the median nerve often results in pain and weakness in the hand and wrist as well as burning, itching and numbness in the palm and fingers. Carpa
Carpal tunnel syndrome is a medical condition that causes pain, tingling and numbness in a wrist, hand and arm. Nerve pain may be relieved with carpal tunnel release surgery that releases the carpal ligament from the wrist's median nerve.
Tentorial DAVFs are rare, high risk, and can be difficult to manage surgically. The authors review their use of the Onyx Liquid Embolic System as a new treatment option for these cases.
In his fascinating 1984 book, A Leg to Stand On, Oliver Sacks recounts his devastating leg injury and the resultant neurological aftereffects. Were his symptoms attributable to functional paralysis?
A study suggests that iron deficiency may contribute to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children.
Multiple sclerosis is an inflammatory disease that affects the central nervous system. Considering the fact that the disease involves dysfunctions at the level of the nervous system, multiple sclerosis can generate a wide spectrum of symptoms. In the absence of an appropriate
Does long-term subthalmic deep brain stimulation offer superior clinical benefit to oral levodopa treatment in patients with advanced Parkinson's disease?
Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of epileptic seizures including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more.
A teenager presents with fatigue and dysarthria; an infant develops worsening myoclonic seizures. Do they share an underlying cause?
Infants who show developmental delays in head and neck muscle control may be at increased risk for autism, a new study suggests.
This study aims to improve our understanding of drug-induced immune changes and potential disease exacerbation during switch-over from natalizumab to fingolimod in treatment of RRMS.
Psychotic symptoms, including hallucinations and delusions, are often seen in Parkinson disease patients under long-term treatment. What patient factors and/or medications might increase the risk?
Delivery of drugs to malignant brain tumors is challenging. CED can overcome some of the difficulties so pharmacological agents that would not normally cross the BBB can be used for treatment.
I was going through 20 To 30 "Disposable Briefs" (like Depends but with sticky tabs) each day. I'd drink 4 oz.of any liquid - and then - I'd have to change my diaper twice. Yes, it was a "Real Pisser!"You've guessed it - my reader - I smelled like a urinal too. One
This article discusses the crucial role of neuroimaging as a tool in the diagnosis, evaluation, and management of patients with acute ischemic stroke.