Health & Medical: Ask the Experts - Could Jaw Fatigue Be a Presenting Symptom of...

Ask the Experts - Could Jaw Fatigue Be a Presenting Symptom of...

I have a patient who presented with a complaint only of jaw fatigue when eating -- no pain or other muscle symptoms. Acetylcholine receptor antibody is elevated, but the electromyograph is negative for myasthenia. Chest CT is negative. Is this a variant of myasthenia gravis, and if so, what is the p

Health & Medical: ADHD in Teenagers

ADHD in Teenagers

Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of teenagers with ADHD including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more.

Health & Medical: Interferon Beta Therapy May Delay MS

Interferon Beta Therapy May Delay MS

A weekly shot of interferon beta drugs may help delay the progression of multiple sclerosis (MS) in people with early signs of the disease, a new study shows.

Health & Medical: The Positive Side of Adult ADHD

The Positive Side of Adult ADHD

WebMD looks at the positive side of adult ADHD, including strengths such as creativity, enthusiasm, and energy.

Health & Medical: Vertebral Artery Origin Stenosis With Acute Thrombus

Vertebral Artery Origin Stenosis With Acute Thrombus

The authors discuss the use of vertebral artery origin angioplasty and stenting in a patient with acute symptoms due to vertebral artery origin stenosis complicated by an acute thrombus.

Health & Medical: Budd Chiari Syndrome

Budd Chiari Syndrome

Important It is possible that the main title of the report Budd Chiari Syndrome is not the name you expected. Please check the synonyms listing to find the alternate name(s) and disorder subdivision(s) covered by this report. ...

Health & Medical: What Is Bell's Palsey?

What Is Bell's Palsey?

When facial nerves become weakened or paralyzed due to trauma of the seventh cranial nerve, Bell's Palsy occurs. You will notice a drooping on one side of the face, inability to smile with both sides of your mouth and the eye on the weakened side will be teary and not close.

Health & Medical: The Potential Role of Niacinamide (Vitamin B3) In Reducing One's MS Symptoms

The Potential Role of Niacinamide (Vitamin B3) In Reducing One's MS Symptoms

Niacinamide (Vitamin B3) is an important nutrient for brain health and may reduce the severity of MS symptoms. It is a key nutrient for mitochondria which are the powerhouse for brain cells. The mitochondria convert the energy which is stored in sugar into the energy which the cell can use to do is

Health & Medical: Seizure Disorders

Seizure Disorders

Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of seizure disorders including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more.

Health & Medical: 5 Quick MS Questions Answered

5 Quick MS Questions Answered

Dr Fred Lublin answers five questions about the latest in multiple sclerosis genetic research.

Health & Medical: Kids' Poor Bedtime Habits May Bring ADHD Misdiagnosis

Kids' Poor Bedtime Habits May Bring ADHD Misdiagnosis

A study links child behaviors sometimes misdiagnosed as ADHD -- tantrums, low self-confidence, aggression toward parents, and misbehavior as school -- to having no set bedtime and to sharing a bed with parents or siblings.