Health & Medical: Speech Problems Are a Symptom of MS

Speech Problems Are a Symptom of MS

Many people can go for years suffering from isolated problems that they pay no attention to without realizing that they are a symptom of MS. Many of the most common symptoms are similar to those that are related to other ailments and many of them occur so infrequently at first that they are easy to

Health & Medical: Is All Meningitis Contagious?

Is All Meningitis Contagious?

Meningitis is a condition that affects the brain and spinal cord. Normally, it is a result of bacteria or viruses that are spread through sneezing, coughing, kissing, or sharing eating utensils, a toothbrush, or a cigarette. However, it can be contracted from other forms, such as other medication

Health & Medical: Most Kids With ADHD Take Medication

Most Kids With ADHD Take Medication

More than 80% of children who are diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder take prescription medications at some point to treat their symptoms, according to a new nationwide survey of parents by Consumer Reports Health.

Health & Medical: Targeting the Trigeminocervical Complex in Migraine

Targeting the Trigeminocervical Complex in Migraine

This review explores the hypothesis that dysfunction of neural mechanisms that mediate trigeminovascular activation are at the root of migraine. Could this be a fruitful target for drug development?

Health & Medical: Diagnosis and Management of Acute Concussion

Diagnosis and Management of Acute Concussion

This primer outlines what you need to know regarding accurate diagnosis and appropriate management of acute concussion, highlighting head injury sustained by athletes and military personnel.

Health & Medical: Mirror Neurons, Empathy, Neuroscience

Mirror Neurons, Empathy, Neuroscience

Mirror neurons are neurons that are activated both when performing an action (including feeling a sensation or emotion), and when someone else performs that action. Much has been written about these neurons in the last few years. Does the reality live up to the hype?

Health & Medical: What Causes Radial Nerve Neuropathy?

What Causes Radial Nerve Neuropathy?

Radial Nerve NeuropathyThe radial nerve is the nerve that runs down the back of the arm, through the triceps muscle and into the hand. It also allows the wrist to flex and allows the wrist and hand to feel sensations like hot and cold. Neuropathy arises when there is damage to a nerve and...

Health & Medical: Home Remedy for Neck Nerve Impingement

Home Remedy for Neck Nerve Impingement

Neck nerve impingement is commonly known as a pinched nerve in the neck. Most cases of nerve impingement can be treated effectively at home. The treatment focuses on symptoms until the pinched nerve heals on its own. You can use home remedies to treat your pinched nerve and relieve the pain and sti

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