Health & Medical Neurological Conditions

Peroneal Neuropathy Treatment


    • The peroneal nerve is a branch of the one of the largest nerve in the lower half of the body called the sciatic nerve. The personal nerve has two branches, the superficial peroneal and the deep peroneal nerve. Interestingly, the peroneal nerve is the one nerve most predisposed to traumatic injury than any other nerve in the body. The peroneal nerve is the supplier of movement and sensation to the calf, the foot and the toes.

    Causes of Injury

    • The most common causes of injury to the peroneal nerve are traumatic injuries to the knee or damage to the sciatic nerve in the thigh. Injury to the hip such as in a dislocated fracture and complications occurring during hip replacement surgery are other causes. Habitual leg crossing is also a culprit as this causes pressure on the personal nerve, another cause is vitamin deficiency.


    • Treatment of peroneal neuropathy depends on the cause of the injury. Cases that are unrelated to traumatic injuries are initially treated conservatively. This includes prevention of pressure to the nerve, improved dietary intake to include fresh fruits and vegetables and adequate protein and vitamin supplements, especially vitamin B12 which is effective in healing the nerves. An ankle brace may be recommended to improve walking. These treatments usually corrects the condition.


    • If conservative treatment fails the next option is surgery. This is exploration of the fibula tunnel to release a pinched nerve. The technique consists of identification and marking of the operative site, the administration of spinal anesthesia, the nerve is released by local fasciotomy (cutting away the connective tissue covering the muscle to relief pressure or tension). The skin is closed and a pressure dressing is applied.

    A New Approach To Treating Foot Drop

    • Dr. Nath, a surgeon at Texas Nerve and Paralysis Institute has pioneered a new treatment for complete injury to the peroneal nerve that is high up in the thigh or spine area. These injuries are usually permanent. The treatment uses nerve transfers from the adjacent tibial nerve to potentially correct the problem. For best results, the nerve transfer must be done within 6 to 8 months of the onset of the foot drop.

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