Insurance: Think You Already Have Major Medical Insurance Coverage?

Think You Already Have Major Medical Insurance Coverage?

To completely protect ourselves and our families, we should take a long hard look at our health insurance policies to make certain that we really are financially protected from major medical expenses, and that we really are getting value for our money.Not all coverages are the same so don't mak

Insurance: Health Insurance - Compare Health Insurance Rates Online

Health Insurance - Compare Health Insurance Rates Online

Our health is something we all should look after seriously. Try as much as we can though, the high cost of health has made it imperative that we seek health insurance coverage to help us with our health. How do we get adequate health insurance plans at an affordable rate?

Insurance: Is Insurance on Leased Cars the Same As on Owned?

Is Insurance on Leased Cars the Same As on Owned?

If you own your vehicle outright, you can insure it as you please. Otherwise, financing and leasing insurance requirements are very similar. During the term of your contract, full-coverage insurance, or a collision policy, is required. Lenders can also require deductible limitations and higher limit

Insurance: How to Get Disability Insurance

How to Get Disability Insurance

Acquiring a disability can reduce or eliminate your ability to work, and without disability insurance you can quickly develop financial trouble as bills continue to arrive in your mailbox while a paycheck doesn't. With the government estimating that 30 percent of working Americans will encounter so

Insurance: California Health Insurance Quotes - Warning! Read This First!

California Health Insurance Quotes - Warning! Read This First!

Many people in California are often concerned about obtaining health insurance. They are confused about their options or about how to obtain the best health insurance for them or their family. There are several efficient ways to obtain health insurance in California, though, and some of them are not

Insurance: Why Consider Temporary Medical Insurance?

Why Consider Temporary Medical Insurance?

Many people don't even think about getting temporary medical insurance when they lose their jobs, or leave the work force for a short period of time. Most look to things like Cobra for coverage.

Insurance: How to Buy Blue Cross Blue Shield Coverage

How to Buy Blue Cross Blue Shield Coverage

Blue Cross Blue Shield is the name for a nationwide network of companies that provides health insurance coverage with plans that include prescription drugs, as well as dental and vision coverage. These companies, known as the Blues, are divided into regions of US states and international offices. T

Insurance: E Health Insurance

E Health Insurance

E Health Insurance is not that hard to get for yourself and others. If you're really busy and can not get to insurance at your work, you should definitely look for a plan online. There are many people online that can get you an insurance plan by email and get you covered within twenty four hour

Insurance: Hepatitis C - Best Treatment Options

Hepatitis C - Best Treatment Options

One of the most insidious facts about hepatitis C is that it's possible to live with this condition for years at a time and have no idea that you are infected. This is a viral infection that can lie dormant in the blood, eventually leading to the symptoms that are most associated with it, inclu

Insurance: How do I Find Affordable California Health Insurance?

How do I Find Affordable California Health Insurance?

Finding quality, yet affordable health insurance is a common concern for California consumers. Many Californians are fortunate to have health insurance provided by an employer. For those that are self-employed, unemployed or do not have job-provided health insurance, there are simple ways to find af

Insurance: Drug Discovery Costs Rise 145% - You Are Catching a Break

Drug Discovery Costs Rise 145% - You Are Catching a Break

The premier study on drug development costs was released and the results will astonish-costs have increased by 145% in the past decade (1). In 2003 the Tufts Center for the Study of Drug Development released what has become the financial benchmark for comparing drug development costs. In 2003 the av

Insurance: Health Insurance and - Psychotropic Drugs - Tips and Information

Health Insurance and - Psychotropic Drugs - Tips and Information

Because of abuse, dependency, and other issues surrounding benzodiazepines, health insurance companies are usually leery of working with patients who need these kinds of medications. Some companies will include riders and exclusions regarding these medications, while others will not offer coverage f

Insurance: Health Insurance, Suggestions For Researching Options

Health Insurance, Suggestions For Researching Options

Health insurance has become a very important part of most lives because it is very difficult for people to manage the rising medical costs. With evolution of technology and passage of time, mankind has come across several diseases and illness and all of these require specialized treatment which requ

Insurance: Health Insurance Issues - Medications That Affect Coverage

Health Insurance Issues - Medications That Affect Coverage

Health insurance and medications are something that a lot of people don't think about. When you are going to get a prescription plan added to your health insurance policy, it's easy to find a variety of different plans to choose from. What many people don't look at are the exclusions

Insurance: How to Choose a Health Insurance Plan Carefully

How to Choose a Health Insurance Plan Carefully

Health insurance is a type of insurance where your chosen insurance company pays the medical costs whenever you are sick or meets an accident. The claim of medical costs will all depend on the type of health insurance plan you have purchased. The insured is obligated to pay a monthly premium to the