Many people don't even think about getting temporary medical insurance when they lose their jobs, or leave the work force for a short period of time.
Most look to things like Cobra for coverage.
Cobra can be very expensive coverage, and many people simply can't afford it.
If you just lost your job or are going to be without group insurance coverage for a short time span, you should get a quote for temporary medical insurance.
It may be less expensive than Cobra.
This type of medical insurance will cover any major emergencies that you encounter while on the plan.
If you get sick during the time span, you will have coverage much like a regular long-term health plan.
This medical insurance will not cover pre-existing conditions though.
It will not cover regular doctor's visits either.
Pregnancy is not covered under a temporary medical plan either.
It will just cover you for the unforeseen emergencies that we all worry about when we don't have health insurance.
You can compare the rates of several different companies that offer this type of insurance.
Rates will vary from time to time, so you may find that comparison shopping pays off with substantial savings.
Dental coverage is usually not available on temporary plans either.
It is just a plan to keep you from incurring a major financial disaster during the time between group health insurance plans.
Once you get back to work where a group plan is available, you will want to drop the temporary plan and go for the more comprehensive group plan.
Statistically, most temporary medical insurance policies are never used.
That's one reason that they can sometimes be cheaper to get than Cobra plans.
They are like catastrophic health insurance plans.
They keep you from running into problems that cause you financial ruin, during a time when you would otherwise be without health insurance coverage.
Most look to things like Cobra for coverage.
Cobra can be very expensive coverage, and many people simply can't afford it.
If you just lost your job or are going to be without group insurance coverage for a short time span, you should get a quote for temporary medical insurance.
It may be less expensive than Cobra.
This type of medical insurance will cover any major emergencies that you encounter while on the plan.
If you get sick during the time span, you will have coverage much like a regular long-term health plan.
This medical insurance will not cover pre-existing conditions though.
It will not cover regular doctor's visits either.
Pregnancy is not covered under a temporary medical plan either.
It will just cover you for the unforeseen emergencies that we all worry about when we don't have health insurance.
You can compare the rates of several different companies that offer this type of insurance.
Rates will vary from time to time, so you may find that comparison shopping pays off with substantial savings.
Dental coverage is usually not available on temporary plans either.
It is just a plan to keep you from incurring a major financial disaster during the time between group health insurance plans.
Once you get back to work where a group plan is available, you will want to drop the temporary plan and go for the more comprehensive group plan.
Statistically, most temporary medical insurance policies are never used.
That's one reason that they can sometimes be cheaper to get than Cobra plans.
They are like catastrophic health insurance plans.
They keep you from running into problems that cause you financial ruin, during a time when you would otherwise be without health insurance coverage.