Insurance: Six Tips in Choosing the Right Insurance For You

Six Tips in Choosing the Right Insurance For You

It is very important to avail for insurance. Having insurance for yourself would give you the convenience in dealing with unavoidable problems in the future in terms of your health, benefits, your family and other things that are of value to you. But the question lies ahead. How will you choose the

Insurance: Things You Should Look For In Health Insurance Policies

Things You Should Look For In Health Insurance Policies

Looking for health insurance is one of the smartest things you can do. Health insurance can provide a good answer to any of the little surprises that life might throw at you. Though insurance may seem superfluous to some, when you have it you will probably be very thankful for the security and peace

Insurance: The Average Salary of a Patient Accounts Representative

The Average Salary of a Patient Accounts Representative

A patient accounts representative works with medical billing and insurance claims. She reviews each claim, makes appropriate adjustments and forwards the billing to the patient's insurance company. The patient accounts representative follows up on unpaid claims and contacts the insurance carrier to

Insurance: Now Is the Time to Buy Affordable Health Insurance

Now Is the Time to Buy Affordable Health Insurance

Buying your own insurance may seem like a hassle, but not only is it easier than you think, but it is actually advantageous to buy your own insurance, rather than having to go along with whatever insurance program your employer has. You can use an online quote website to provide you with multiple he

Insurance: Fiduciary Liability Insurance Vs Fidelity Bond

Fiduciary Liability Insurance Vs Fidelity Bond

Companies often offer employee benefit plans to help attract and keep employees. Companies need to be aware of the liability exposure created from the management of these plans.

Insurance: Health Insurance Plans - Fee-For-Service Vs Managed Care

Health Insurance Plans - Fee-For-Service Vs Managed Care

Texas health insurance plans offer protection against sudden and unexpected costs for illnesses and injuries. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, only 3 out of every 4 Texans have some form of health insurance.

Insurance: Demented Producer Hates Insurance Companies

Demented Producer Hates Insurance Companies

I know most people hate, even loathe, insurance companies. Most especially, the Health Insurance Companies. They are a necessary evil in our day and age, with the ridiculous rise of heath care costs, but many consider them to be a loathsome boil on the butts of America.

Insurance: Short Term Health Insurance Explained

Short Term Health Insurance Explained

The worldwide recession that has hit American hard, has resulted in hundreds of thousands of its citizens losing their health insurance, and they are now at the mercy of a medical and financial catastrophe. However, job losses are only the most obvious event that causes so many people to be without

Insurance: Aetna Medicare Supplement Plans

Aetna Medicare Supplement Plans

Aetna Medicare offers those who qualify for Medicare a variety of ways to meet your health-care coverage needs.Prescription drug plans, Advantage plans and supplemental insurance are options available through Aetna. Prescription drug plans are stand alone plans that can be added to your Parts A and

Insurance: PMI 'Makes Sense For Small Businesses

PMI 'Makes Sense For Small Businesses

Small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the UK have been advised to invest in private medical insurance (PMI) for their staff. The British Insurance Brokers' Association (BIBA) has said that staff illness is a growing concern for companies during the economic downturn, as drops in productiv

Insurance: Cheap Health Insurance for Seniors

Cheap Health Insurance for Seniors

If you haven't looked at your policy lately, now is the time to not just review the coverage that you have but to also take time to consider switching to a new plan. You can shop around for the best deal through the use of a broker.

Insurance: Make the Right Choices With Q4 Open Enrollment

Make the Right Choices With Q4 Open Enrollment

When negotiating with your health insurance broker for employee group plans, be sure to enter into the conversation well educated on what it is you need. Many recent legislative changes have changed the game for health insurance, and knowing how this could affect your company's plan is critical

Insurance: Health Insurance Claim Procedures

Health Insurance Claim Procedures

Health insurance claims are necessary in order to pay a health care provider or physician for services such as surgical procedures, patient examinations or medical tests. Unfortunately, the procedure can be frustrating for patients, especially if the health care provider does not help...