Health & Medical: What Are the Treatments for High Cholesterol?

What Are the Treatments for High Cholesterol?

Cholesterol is a substance that is found in virtually every cell in the body. Cholesterol is an important component of keeping cells healthy, as well as creating necessary hormones. Unfortunately, when cholesterol levels get too high, fatty deposits begin to develop in the blood vessels. Over time t

Health & Medical: How To Tolerate The Taste Of Bile Acid Sequestrants

How To Tolerate The Taste Of Bile Acid Sequestrants

Bile acid sequestrants, or bile acid resins, lower LDL cholesterol levels effectively. However, when lowering cholesterol with bile acid resins, some people do not like the gritty taste of these medications. This article will show you how to make these drugs a little more tolerable.

Health & Medical: What Is the Meaning of 'Arteriosclerosis'?

What Is the Meaning of 'Arteriosclerosis'?

Arteriosclerosis refers to the hardening of the arteries, which are blood vessels that transport nutrients and oxygen to your body. The arteries harden when a hard substance called plaque forms out of fat and cholesterol and builds up on the arterial walls. Arteriosclerosis, which is sometimes calle

Health & Medical: Polyphenols


Polyphenols are a group of chemicals that have many potential health benefits. There are several foods containing polyphenols, including fruits, vegetables, and other plants. They are classified as polyphenol antioxidants, meaning that they remove free radicals from the body.

Health & Medical: How Does Exercise Help Cholesterol?

How Does Exercise Help Cholesterol?

What is Cholesterol?Cholesterol is a sticky substance that is found in the human body. Cells rely on cholesterol to help produce their outer membranes and some hormones also need cholesterol to perform their functions. The American Heart Association reveals that cholesterol is formed...

Health & Medical: How to Kill Crabgrass & Weeds With Home Treatments

How to Kill Crabgrass & Weeds With Home Treatments

Common weeds like crabgrass and dandelions are a familiar but unwelcome sight in many lawns. To keep weeds at bay, homeowners can opt to use herbicides, but such toxic treatments can do more harm than good if not used properly. Instead, there are effective home treatments to keep the weeds at bay, s

Health & Medical: Standard 12-Lead EKG Training

Standard 12-Lead EKG Training

The electrical activities in our heart are so strong that they can be detected by electrodes placed on our skin. An electrocardiogram, also known as ECG or EKG, uses 12 electrodes (leads) on the body to record electrical activity that occurs in the heart. Physicians use EKG results as a diagnostic

Health & Medical: Transplant of Rescued Stunned Donor Hearts

Transplant of Rescued Stunned Donor Hearts

A shortage of donor hearts had led to a need to expand the criteria for acceptability. Can stress echocardiograpy be useful in identifying donors with reversible wall motion abnormalities?

Health & Medical: Artery Plaque Reduction

Artery Plaque Reduction

Each year, over a million adults are diagnosed with heart disease. Half of these will suffer a heart attack, largely caused by coronary artery disease, or the accumulation of plaque on the inside of the blood vessels that supply blood to the heart. The good news is that there are a number of effecti

Health & Medical: Can You Affect Your Cholesterol by Fasting?

Can You Affect Your Cholesterol by Fasting?

Your cholesterol is composed mainly of HDL (high-density lipoproteins), LDL (low-density lipoproteins) and triglycerides. Fasting for 8 to 14 hours affects these levels.

Health & Medical: Prosthetic Heart Valve Types

Prosthetic Heart Valve Types

Heart valve replacement can be done in open or keyhole surgery.laparoscopic surgery image by Grzegorz Kwolek from Fotolia.comValvular heart disease is characterized by the failure of a particular valve of the heart. This serious condition can lead to health complications and death if not...

Health & Medical: Homeopathic Ways to Get Rid of Hemorrhoids

Homeopathic Ways to Get Rid of Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are swollen and inflamed veins around the lower rectal area. They can be internal or external, located around the anus. Hemorrhoids can be prevented, and symptoms are treatable with homeopathic remedies. Homeopathy, developed during the 18th century by a German physician named Samuel Hah

Health & Medical: What Are the Main Factors in Cholesterol Accumulation?

What Are the Main Factors in Cholesterol Accumulation?

Elevated cholesterol levels put you at risk of coronary heart disease and other chronic conditions. When you know what factors negatively impact your cholesterol, you can take the necessary steps to keep your cholesterol under control.