Orthostatic Hypotension in Older and Medically Complex Patients
There are no uniform current recommendations on when OH assessments should be performed. Representative recommendations from the literature include: "OH should be assessed in patients with symptoms or risk factors"; "OH should be measured with each BP assessment"; "Measurement of BP in the standing position is indicated periodically, especially in those at risk for postural hypotension, prior to necessary drug dose or adding a drug, and in those who report symptoms consistent with reduced BP on standing.".
Therefore, clear recommendations on the frequency of OH assessment are not available. Clinicians should consider assessing for OH in any patients with dizziness, syncope/near syncope, falls, before starting hypotensive medications, and in patients with known risk factors. They should also think about an OH assessment in patients with the atypical symptoms mentioned above and in patients with fatigue.
When to Assess for OH
There are no uniform current recommendations on when OH assessments should be performed. Representative recommendations from the literature include: "OH should be assessed in patients with symptoms or risk factors"; "OH should be measured with each BP assessment"; "Measurement of BP in the standing position is indicated periodically, especially in those at risk for postural hypotension, prior to necessary drug dose or adding a drug, and in those who report symptoms consistent with reduced BP on standing.".
Therefore, clear recommendations on the frequency of OH assessment are not available. Clinicians should consider assessing for OH in any patients with dizziness, syncope/near syncope, falls, before starting hypotensive medications, and in patients with known risk factors. They should also think about an OH assessment in patients with the atypical symptoms mentioned above and in patients with fatigue.