Health & Medical: Few Concerned Despite High Stroke Risk

Few Concerned Despite High Stroke Risk

People likely know if they're at high risk of stroke. Yet most are remarkably blasé. Few act to cut their risk, a U.S. survey finds.

Health & Medical: A Tutorial on Veins & Arteries

A Tutorial on Veins & Arteries

Arteries and veins are part of the human body's elaborate circulatory system, carrying blood throughout the blood image by Terrapanthera from Fotolia.comArteries are blood vessels that carry oxygen-rich blood away from the heart. You can feel your pulse when arteries expand and...

Health & Medical: Early Menopause May Double Stroke Risk

Early Menopause May Double Stroke Risk

Women who permanently stop menstruating before age 42 are twice as likely to suffer a stroke as other women, a large study suggests.

Health & Medical: Most Effective Way to Lower LDL

Most Effective Way to Lower LDL

Most people realize that their total blood cholesterol should be below the magic number of 200, but many fail to understand that blood cholesterol has two components. High-density lipoproteins (HDL) is the "good" cholesterol. Higher numbers are better. The "bad" cholesterol is low-density lipoprotei

Health & Medical: Cholesterol Level Guidelines

Cholesterol Level Guidelines

Having your cholesterol levels checked is a good idea for everyone. The simple blood test can tell your doctor your total cholesterol levels, as well as your LDL, HDL, and trigylceride levels.

Health & Medical: Drugs Stop Stroke Damage

Drugs Stop Stroke Damage

Two new drugs given after a stroke can reduce or even stop brain damage, researchers say.

Health & Medical: How to Defibrillate

How to Defibrillate

When the heart stops beating, a person goes into sudden cardiac arrest (SCA). Heart attacks sometimes lead to SCA, but it can occur independently from a heart attack. SCA results in death if not treated immediately. Anyone who is trained in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and who can administer

Health & Medical: Neuroimaging of Ischemic Stroke With CT and MRI

Neuroimaging of Ischemic Stroke With CT and MRI

Ischemic stroke treatment is time dependent, but the window of opportunity for effective diagnosis and treatment may be changing. Is there an evidence-based alternative to traditional treatment?

Health & Medical: How I Do It: Lung Ultrasound

How I Do It: Lung Ultrasound

Assessment of the lung has always been considered off-limits for ultrasound, but in this article, the author highlights its utility in certain situations and describes his technique.

Health & Medical: Evaluation of Cardiac Masses by RTPE

Evaluation of Cardiac Masses by RTPE

Diagnosis of cardiac masses is still challenging by standard echocardiography. Can real-time perfusion echocardiography improve on cardiac mass characterization?

Health & Medical: What Does a Normal EKG Reading Look Like?

What Does a Normal EKG Reading Look Like?

EKC or ECG stands for electrocardiogram. It is a recorded visual representation of the electrical impulses in the heart that make it beat. Physicians use EKGs to diagnose potential illness within the heart. This depends on observing deviations from the normal EKG reading, which is used as a baseline