Business & Finance: Humorous Decorating Ideas for a Cubicle

Humorous Decorating Ideas for a Cubicle

Dealing with cubicle life can be depressing and boring. It is easy to feel trapped in a small cubicle, especially when it's devoid of character or personal touches. Overhauling your cubicle with a humorous theme is one way to pass some time at work and make your office environment a little more inte

Business & Finance: Why and How to Write a Perfect Resume Cover Letter

Why and How to Write a Perfect Resume Cover Letter

What is a resume cover letter? It is a piece of paper that is submitted along with your resume or curriculum vitae. Like its name indicates, a resume cover letter is a letter that is addressed to a person, and serves several important purposes related to your job hunting experience.

Business & Finance: Easy Ways To Get Cash Recycling Unused Mobiles

Easy Ways To Get Cash Recycling Unused Mobiles

With increaseing numbers of mobile phones being purchased around the world, the challenge of exactly what to do with outdatedmobile phones is turning out to be far more of an issue. Fairly recently a solution has emerged with mobile phone recycling firms being set up todeal with unwanted mobile hand

Business & Finance: The Power Of A Pat On The Back

The Power Of A Pat On The Back

Start your day right by greeting your staff with a big smile. Some rank officers may think of a smile as a sign of weakness, but others see it as a way to give their employees a big boost of morale in

Business & Finance: Advantages of Bartering

Advantages of Bartering

Barter trade has been in existences since the ancient times, as people traded chickens or eggs for milk or beef.

Business & Finance: CNA Training: Online or Regular?

CNA Training: Online or Regular?

Although there are several facilities that offer CNA (certified nursing assistant) training programs, they can be usually divided in two basic types: online and regular classes.

Business & Finance: How Much Sand & Gravel Do I Need to Mix With a 94 lb. Bag of Portland Cement?

How Much Sand & Gravel Do I Need to Mix With a 94 lb. Bag of Portland Cement?

Portland cement is a handy building material due to its availability in most building supply stores and its versatility. It is made from limestone that is converted into quicklime then combined with other ingredients. The name comes from its origins in Britain's Isle of Portland and is not a brand n

Business & Finance: Is it Now Unusual to See Offices Without Water Coolers?

Is it Now Unusual to See Offices Without Water Coolers?

There are certain staples that appear in every office setting. From desks, books, tables, and chairs, to more unconventional, these are the items that are so closely associated with the venue that it

Business & Finance: Top 5 Ways to Get Freelance Work in a Bad Economy

Top 5 Ways to Get Freelance Work in a Bad Economy

The whole world is facing an economic crisis now, but this does not mean that there is no money to be made in freelancing. Here are top 5 ways for you to get freelance work even during these tough times.

Business & Finance: Do you work for a younger boss?

Do you work for a younger boss?

The days when working for a woman boss was a big issue are over €" we hope. The new problem for employees is working for a younger boss. This is particularly common in any digital ...

Business & Finance: Deputy Sheriff's Exam

Deputy Sheriff's Exam

One of the most important and essential prerequisites before one can become a deputy sheriff is to pass the deputy sheriff's exam. If you don't pass the test you won't be considered for the job. Preparing for a deputy sheriff's exam requires dedication, research and hard work.

Business & Finance: Job Seeker Pitfalls

Job Seeker Pitfalls

Today, the job seeker has less room for failure. Many employers are reporting that hundreds, if not thousands of applicants are applying for one single job opportunity. Those numbers can also be intimidating to the best job seekers in the world. Every aspect of the job seeking process has to be stra

Business & Finance: The Best Places for 15 Year Olds to Work

The Best Places for 15 Year Olds to Work

The U.S. Department of Labor regulates where and when teenagers age 15 can work. Individual states may also have requirements, such as work permits and specific hours. In general, teens age 15 are allowed to work only after school and in non-hazardous environments. Despite the limitations, there are

Business & Finance: The Average Salary of an Appliance Salesperson

The Average Salary of an Appliance Salesperson

Although many industries have embraced business models where customers shop at their own pace and approach sales staff only with questions or when in need of assistance, home appliance dealers continue to put an emphasis on sales service. Appliance salespersons must know technical details, warranty

Business & Finance: School Projects in a Resume

School Projects in a Resume

The inclusion of projects you participated in during your high school and college years is an excellent way of enhancing your resume. Be they academic, sports, creative or social, your school projects will have given you skills, knowledge and experience that will be applicable in your early career.

Business & Finance: Team Building – 5 Tips to Get Everyone On The Bus!

Team Building – 5 Tips to Get Everyone On The Bus!

This past week one of my favorite former teammates called me for a little support and a little advice. For the most part, her new position is everything she'd hoped for. Her boss supports her, ...