- If you work in a position with lots of down time, turn your cubicle into a small mini-golf course. Decorate your desk with plants, cover the walls in pictures of pristine fairways and plant a flag somewhere on the desk to alert co-workers as to where to find the hole. You can also toss some green astro-turf under and around your desk and add a fake mini-golf hole to make the illusion complete.
- You can draw a lot of attention to yourself or to a co-worker by decorating a cubicle to look like a birthday party. Hang streamers and ribbon all over the cubicle and stack wrapped gifts on the desk (these can be empty). Buy a large banner that says "Happy Birthday" and hang it across the top of the cubicle. Then spend the day laughing as your co-worker tries to explain what is going on, or act annoyed that your friends forgot your fake birthday.
- Turn your cubicle into a tasty treat by making it look like a gingerbread house. This one is fairly easy to execute; simply cover all exposed surfaces with brown packing paper, then tape or glue lollipops, candy canes and other tasty treats along the walls. Run red and white streamers around the borders of the cube to make it look like it is framed with peppermint sticks. Remember to clear the candy out before you have any issues with ants.
- If you are not the holiday type or simply enjoy confusing people, try decorating your cubicle for the wrong holiday. For instance, prepare your cubicle for Christmas with red and green decorations, Christmas lights and wrapped gifts, but do it in the middle of June. Put up Halloween decorations in May, and hang St. Patrick's Day items in late October. You can usually find holiday decorations at party stores, or bring some in from your garage or storage space.
The Golf Course
The Fake Birthday
Gingerbread House
The Wrong Holiday